Clay A. Griffith

Clay A. Griffith

nació 1967
Estados Unidos


Clay A. Griffith has designed such films as "Domestic Disturbance," "Sweet Home Alabama," "Elizabethtown," "We Bought A Zoo," "A Thousand Words" and "Aloha," to name a few. A longtime collaborator with Director Cameron Crowe, Griffith was the Art Director on "Almost Famous," which garnered him an Art Directors Guild nomination for their work.

Griffith started as a set decorator, working on such classics as "Dirty Dancing," "Mystic Pizza" "Sleepless In Seattle," "Grumpy Old Men," "Se7en," "Jerry Maguire," "As Good As It Gets" and "Stuart Little." He began his collaboration with Director Cameron Crowe when he was the set decorator on "Singles."

His first film as production designer was "Prozac Nation." Griffith has teamed up with Director Cameron Crowe once again on Showtime's new series, "Roadies."

Paramount Pictures

Director artístico
