Betlémské světlo

  • inglés Bethlehem Light (título del festival) (más)
Tráiler 1


An author struggling with writer's block faces an unusual complication when characters from his unfinished stories intrude on his everyday life. (Netflix)

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Tráiler 1

Reseñas (6)


todas reseñas del usuario

español Una «comedia» dramatúrgicamente mal hecha, desesperadamente sin gracia y dolorosamente torpe, una descripción que nunca habría pensado que asociaría con el dúo Svěrák & Svěrák hasta hace algún tiempo. Aunque después de Three Brothers, probablemente sí. Cuando alguien se levantó en el cine al aire libre del festival Summer Film School de este año diez minutos antes del final y gritó «¡Es una mierda!» a toda la plaza llena de gente, no era un momento para asentir con la cabeza, sino para aplaudir. [Summer Film School 2022] ()


todas reseñas del usuario

español Já jsem nečetl žádné recenze, vnímal jsem pouze, že ohlasy nejsou nikterak nadšené. Vzhledem ke svému spíše vlažnému přístupu k tvorbě Jana Svěráka, kterou zbytečně nepřeceňuji, jsem nic neočekával a zašel po dlouhé době do kina. Rozpačitosti, rozporuplnosti a zmatenosti rozumím. Základní námět se mi ale líbí, měl by potěšit každého čtenáře či čtenářku. Bohužel mě zajímala a bavila pouze dějová linka základní a ta s Kotkem a Voříškovou, Vetchého jsem nepochopil vůbec a Javorského dějová linka se mi líbila až v samotném závěru, který završil celý film a dostál svému názvu. Herecky září především ženy Kolářová a Voříšková, avšak Javorského nelze pominout nikdy v ničem. Celkově je to u mě mezi třemi a čtyřmi hvězdami, takže dnes jsou to lepší tři hvězdičky. A nejlepší je samozřejmě plakát s Voříškovou a žehličkou, vizuálně nádherný a nápaditý. Dnes jsme s přítelkyní koupili novou žehličku, tak si rovněž nafotíme nějaký podobný :-) ----------------------------------------------------------- Yo no he leído ninguna reseña, solo he notado que los comentarios no son en absoluto entusiastas. Dado mi enfoque más bien tibio hacia la obra de Jana Svěrák, que no sobrevaloro innecesariamente, no esperaba nada y fui al cine después de mucho tiempo. Entiendo las dudas, contradicciones y confusión. Pero me gusta la idea básica, debería complacer a todos los lectores. Desafortunadamente, solo me interesó y entretuvo la trama principal y la de Kotek y Voříšková, no entendí a Vetchý en absoluto y la trama de Javorský me gustó hasta el final, que completó toda la película y cumplió con su título. Actoralmente, brillan especialmente las mujeres Kolářová y Voříšková, pero Javorský nunca debe ser pasado por alto en nada. En general, para mí es entre tres y cuatro estrellas, así que hoy son tres estrellas mejor. Y lo mejor es, por supuesto, el cartel con Voříšková y una plancha, visualmente hermoso e ingenioso. Hoy mi novia y yo compramos una nueva plancha, así que también tomaremos una foto similar :-) ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Bethlehem Night is a truly remarkable and to some extent original piece of Czech comedy, but it left me with mixed feelings after the screening. On the one hand, I appreciate the theme and the script full of funny lines, but on the other, something didn't feel right at times while watching it. I was surprised by how many familiar faces appear (sometimes only for a while), but the whole film stands above all on the Zdeněk Svěrák-Daniela Kolářová duo, who once again succeeded in portraying a married couple, this time at a more advanced age. The rest of the cast was about as fleshed out and underdeveloped as their characters. I was also a bit bothered by the loud religious tones – I know what the film is called, but less is sometimes more. Bethlehem Night doesn't outright offend, nor does it bore, but it doesn't impress either – a subtle flame that had the potential to shine more. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Although I don't completely agree with Zdeněk Svěrák in many aspects, I understand his humor perfectly and enjoy it very much. In movies based on his scripts, you get humor which makes you both laugh and contemplate, and which is always accompanied by a huge dose of humanity. As a lifelong cynic, this should put me off, but the opposite is true. Honestly, Betlémské světlo did not rank among the best that I have seen from the Svěrák & Svěrák company, so I limited myself to just three stars. The idea itself was not bad at all, but I wasn't happy about the execution. The alternating groups of characters from individual stories kept fragmenting the plot for me, so I could never fully immerse myself in it. Throughout the whole time, I was all too aware that I was just watching moving pictures instead of being drawn into it. You get what I mean, right? Despite these remarks, I think the film is above-average as far as Czech films go (and average in terms of Svěrák's films). It not only provided me with a portion of quality humor but also with a pleasant atmosphere (typical for Zdeněk Svěrák). Zdeněk Svěrák is probably the only screenwriter who can make me laugh even with product placement. / Lesson learned: If you are a scout and are sent for the Bethlehem light, make sure to pack matches or a lighter. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Bethlehem Night reflects the contemporary short story work of Zdeněk Svěrák. For those familiar with his most recent work, the film is not as big a surprise as it is for others who wish the Svěrák & Svěrák brand would keep delivering the same pleasing (even cuddly) experiences. This time we follow something similar to the structure of Three Brothers, but in the adult genre. The Svěráks decided to explore the quirky world of the author and his literary characters. The spice is the deepening relationship with his wife in the late stages of retirement and the point is the defense against the fear of death. The general public has made it clear to the Svěráks that they find this kind of thing explicitly unpleasant and would prefer the traditional caress. For me, Bethlehem Night in particular is one of the last films to be hurt by the Covid measures. And since no miracle happened even in summer movie theaters, the situation was saved only by DVD and VOD. ()

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