El frío verano del 53

  • La Unión Soviética Cholodnoje leto pjaťděsjat tretěgo (más)

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En el verano de 1953, tras la muerte de Stalin y la detención de Lavrenti Beria, el gobierno soviético promulga el decreto "Sobre la amnistía" que libera de los campamentos de trabajo a miles de presos. En una remota aldea del norte se esconden dos de ellos, el ingeniero Nikolai Starobogatov (Anatoliy Papanov), acusado de ser espía inglés, y el capitán de un regimiento de reconocimiento Sergei Basargin (Valeriy Priyomykhov), denostado por haber sido prisionero en un campo nazi y después de fugarse haberse reincorporado a sus tropas. (Filmin)


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inglés I've been wondering (so far in vain) why the official description from the distributor labels this film as an Eastern. I might see it differently; I felt it depicted events similar to those that occurred after the war in former Czechoslovakia. In the film, it was a gang of amnestied individuals, but the reality and atmosphere felt very alike. Drama/Crime/Action/Western - I wouldn't go that far... I think "drama" would have sufficed. For me, it was definitely a good film with a heavy, almost depressing atmosphere that perfectly captured not only the post-Stalinist era. ()

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