
Beneath the tranquil atmosphere of The Hillz, four affluent suburban teens are caught up in a web of spiraling violence, drug addiction, and casual sex. After a year away at college, Steve 5 (Charmed's Jesse Woodrow) returns to find his neighborhood radically changed. His best friend, Duff (Rene Heger, MTV's Undressed), has become the sadistic head of a gang that has turned the beautiful suburban hills into an ultra-violent crime zone where drugs and sex are as plentiful as candy. Duff finally has respect, plenty of cash, and cool new friends (including James DeBello, Swimfan). Finding himself lured into Duff's new life, Steve 5 struggles to stay true to his dream of becoming a professional baseball player and also trying to win the love of the sexy but unattainable Heather (Paris Hilton, The Simple Life). (texto oficial de la distribuidora)

