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Un peculiar equipo de creadores de pódcast investiga unas misteriosas desapariciones ocurridas décadas atrás en un encantador pueblo irlandés lleno de oscuros secretos. (Netflix)

Reseña del usuario Necrotongue de esta serie (8)

Bodkin (2024) 

inglés I wasn't expecting much from this series, and after the first two episodes, I felt pretty underwhelmed. But then, by episode three, things started to click. The story grabbed my attention, and I found myself really enjoying the quirky trio at the center. The pacing picked up, and I loved how it balanced serious moments with that unique Irish humor. Even from the pilot, though, I was hooked on the Irish English — it just added a great flavor. Sure, the show had its fair share of logical hiccups, but they didn't bug me too much. Despite the creators' slip-ups, I had a surprisingly good time watching it. / Lesson learned: Eel trafficking is a thing. Who would've guessed? ()

Un misterio de verdad (2024) (E01) 

inglés Starting off with my usual three stars, this opening episode didn't blow me away, but it didn't turn me off either. It felt like the creators were just setting the stage and introducing us to the main characters. Out of the main trio, Dove stood out the most. Her hostility towards people and the world was a refreshing change — no unnecessary chit-chat or social niceties from her. / Lesson learned: Ireland is full of nice, kind people. ()

Quiénes somos (2024) (E02) 

inglés Looks like three stars is all I can muster for now, as the second episode didn't really grab me. Dove's ongoing feud with the church keeps her as my favorite character by far. I'm so indifferent to the rest of the characters that I needed a close-up just to figure out who was being buried at the end. If the mysterious Irish plot doesn’t start making more sense soon, my interest and rating are bound to drop. / Lesson learned: Don’t succumb to the temptation of gambling. ()

Una vida perfectamente inocente (2024) (E03) 

inglés No sooner had I casually pondered a potential lower rating in the previous review, the situation suddenly changed for the better. Coincidence? I doubt it, it's probably just one of many mysterious Irish enigmas. I immediately guessed that the third episode would be somewhat different, because the Dove put on a different coat. It may sound strange, but I quite enjoyed the farewell to the deceased, the plot that followed was also not bad, and if the story continues in a similar spirit, there is a risk that I might even like the series. / Lesson learned: Electric scooters are meant to be shared. ()


Una especie de veneno (2024) (E04) 

inglés It looks like I'm really starting to get into this story. Besides Dove, the other two members of the main trio are finally getting more screen time, and the plot is starting to develop nicely. The creators even gave me a nostalgic moment with Cyndi Lauper. There were a few moments that left me confused, though. Maybe it’s just my ignorance, but I always thought dead bodies in water would look more bloated than dried out. And the coroner's lack of interest in the victims was surprising. But hey, what do I know about Ireland, right? Overall, I had a great time with this episode. Boredom didn’t even come close, so I'm sticking with my four-star rating. / Lesson learned: If you're hoping to finally find out how eels like to do it, brace yourself for disappointment. ()

Cuando llegó la paz (2024) (E05) 

inglés This episode has been the best so far for me. Maybe it's because I love stories told from different perspectives, but mainly because the old Irish mystery finally started to unravel — and to my surprise, the partial explanation actually made sense. I had serious concerns that the unfolding case would become the weakest link, but I couldn't have been more wrong. / Lesson learned: Sometimes you just have a bad day. 4*+ ()

Los fines justifican los medios (2024) (E06) 

inglés I’m not usually a fan of episodes filled with hallucinations, but the creators pulled it off pretty well. The plot kept me hooked, the story moved forward, and two of the main characters are in even deeper trouble than before. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all wraps up and hoping the creators don’t take any silly shortcuts. Here’s to a solid finale! / Lesson learned: Never stand in front of a person who is throwing up. ()

Vaciad los bolsillos (2024) (E07) 

inglés The Irish creators really stuck the landing. They didn't cut corners, and they wrapped everything up pretty nicely. What I found really intriguing was how the lines between the villains and everyone else (journalists, Interpol, the wimp, and the rest) blurred over time. By the end, I couldn't even tell who the real bad guys were. I had a blast, though, thanks to the hilarious Irish-Romanian who probably won't hitchhike ever again, and the Irish Pied Piper. But I was a bit let down by the lackluster explosion — I was expecting something way more epic. / Lesson learned: Sing something catchy, and the crowd will follow. ()