
La historia empieza en una tranquila mañana de un día laborable cuando un banco abre sus puertas. Antes de que nadie se dé cuenta de lo que pasa, un grupo de cinco ladrones, encapuchados y vestidos de negro, irrumpen en el banco y toman a todos como rehenes. En breve la policía llega y rodean a los atracadores. El cabecilla de la banda Lorenz pide un negociador. Exige que sea el detective Quentin Conners. Conners vuelve a su puesto tras su reciente expulsión causada por un incidente fortuito que terminó con la muerte de un rehén, y la expulsión definitiva del cuerpo de su entonces compañero el detective York. (Tripictures)


Reseñas (2)


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inglés At the entrance of the bank that was robbed, an explosive device goes off, and the police let the hostages and potential robbers leave without identification? Seattle is just a hop from Canada, but I didn’t notice that the operation was led by Labrosse from Hold-Up. This is an example of how Chaos pretends to be sophisticated but actually does the opposite. Tony Giglio doesn’t show any significant directorial flair, and it all leads to the expected finale, where the eager rookie Phillippe runs around the airport with a mobile phone in one hand and a coffee mug with the bottom labeled "Kobayashi Porcelain" in the other. Tough first days at work when you’re figuring out which colleague wants to outsmart you and which one wants to double-cross you (the cringe scene with the police technician). And Statham? Although he leaves his nimble limbs idle, he’s as unpleasant to everyone else as Harry Callahan in male menopause. And now imagine if they took away his nicotine gum… ()

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