
Un dibujante en paro se ve obligado a volver a vivir con sus padres y su hermano pequeño Freddy. Cuando sus padres le piden que se vaya de casa, empieza a lanzar rumores falsos que aseguran que su padre abusa sexualmente de su hermano. Freddy aprovecha la situación familiar para realizar una serie basada en su propia casa. (20th Century Fox España)


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inglés I think that I have a sense of humor, I have fits of laughter watching Monty Python's Flying Circus, Ally McBeal, Friends, crazy parodies, satire, or any comedy by Woody Allen. But when it comes to a guy who cheerfully cuts open a deer, lets its guts spill out (in a close-up shot), rubs his hands gleefully on its moist skin, and crazily starts running around the road, or alternatively, enthusiastically beats his paralyzed girlfriend on her insensitive lower extremities and then she gratefully starts stroking his crotch – well, in those moments I just stare at the screen in horror and don't understand which sadist considers this to be comedy. ()

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