
Füge is studying at a high-school. He rarely visits his divorced parents. He establishes a successful music group with his friends. He falls in love with his class-mate, Ágota. When the girl's previous, grown-up suitor turns up again, Füge first wants to commit suicide, then breaks with her. He goes to his father to ask for advice. The man introduces him to a woman who initiates him into the secrets of love. Ágota loves Füge. Eventually they confess their love to each other. Ágota becomes pregnant, but wants to have an artificial abortion. Now, Füge goes to his mother. He finds his father there, as the woman is fatally ill. Füge returns to Ágota. She decides to keep the child. Füge wants to marry her. They travel to Füge's mother to introduce the girl to her, but by the time they arrive the mother has died. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)

