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Hijo de Texas, Ron Woodroof es un electricista y cowboy de rodeo. De repente, en 1985, Ron es diagnosticado como seropositivo y se le dan 30 días de vida. Sin embargo no acepta la pena de muerte. Un extraño en la comunidad gay, Ron encuentra un improbable aliado en otro paciente con SIDA, Rayón (Jared Leto), un transexual que comparte el deseo de Ron por la vida. (Vértigo Films Esp.)


Reseñas (15)



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inglés Academics and the majority of people were once again fooled by the placebo, similarly to some of the patients in this film. The serious existential theme darkened their minds and for two hours, the classic standards of cinema ceased to function, meaning that what we usually see as bad in other films does not exist here. This film is small, modest, and undoubtedly serious and alarming in its theme, forcing us to reflect. However, besides brilliant performances, the witty dialogues, and the excellent costumes, there is nothing so revolutionary about it that would justify treating it as the film of the year. Ultimately, it doesn't say that much, though it should also be noted that it doesn't impose or force anything. So, as a historical reconstruction it’s okay, but it falls far from being a captivating film. I wasn't thrilled; I was satisfied, without being extremely enriched. ()


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español Una película independiente estadounidense de la familia Leaving Las Vegas o Boys Don't Cry, que se basa en un interesante personaje outsider y su brillante interpretación. Una impresionante experiencia cinematográfica que te cautivará y te permitirá devorar con curiosidad cada escena, examinando en detalle la personalidad del protagonista. La transformación del Ron Woodroof de McConaughey de un campesino sureño chovinista y arrogante en un luchador comprensivo y desesperado, que no se rinde, e incluso lucha por algo más que por su propia vida, es el estudio de carácter más fuerte para mí en los últimos años. Los realizadores son modestos, minimalistas, no se basan en excentricidades actorales ni mejoras técnicas y visuales, se centran únicamente en contar la historia por los medios más clásicos. Un enfoque abierto y sensible del tema. Fantásticamente escrita y dirigida. Woodroof es moralmente exactamente lo contrario de Jordan Belfort y Leonardo, me temo que en la Academia no tiene ninguna posibilidad contra Matthew. ()


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español Este actor, que interpretó al seductor en Ghosts of Girlfriends Pasts, al carismático abogado en Lincoln Lawyer y aparece en un comercial de Dolce and Gabbana, ¿es una transformación increíble de Matthew McConaughey y su actuación cautivadora, de la que ni siquiera el dios de la actuación, Daniel Day-Lewis, se avergonzaría? Incluso tengo la sensación de que él es posiblemente el único que podría interpretarlo de esta manera. Jared Leto también merece un gran reconocimiento, ya que con su rostro delicado, definitivamente se podría confundir con una hermosa mujer. Y aunque no he visto a los otros nominados, sin duda alguna, estos dos no tienen competencia alguna. Y deseo sinceramente que Leonardo se lleve el premio, pero en mi opinión, probablemente tendrá mala suerte nuevamente. Para mí, el Club de los Últimos Deseos siempre será recordado como el concierto actoral de dos excelentes actores, cuyas actuaciones considero entre las mejores que he visto. En cuanto a la película en sí, podría achacarle tal vez su duración, le vendrían bien veinte minutos menos. La primera mitad me dejó impresionado, mientras que en la segunda ya no fue lo mismo, así que normalmente le daría cuatro estrellas, pero repito, gracias a esas actuaciones elevo mi calificación en una estrella. ()


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inglés -Thank You. -Fuck off! Breaking Good? Not entirely. Dallas Buyers Club is surprisingly not an emotionally manipulative drama about the belated awakening of a homophobe. It is rather a sober film – in terms of both form and content – that instead of glorifying Woodroof, admits that this cowboy did not deserve any exaggerated compassion even after he contracted AIDS. The effort taken to not harp on the protagonist’s suffering and to simply depict him corresponds to the objectiveness of the form (filming without additional artificial lighting, documentary-style asymmetrical shot compositions, non-evocative use of music). If the film isn’t emotionally cold,  that’s particularly due to the gaunt McConaughey, who lost approximately 20 kilos for his role as Woodroof. Even though he plays only a shadow of his heroes from other films, he never loses the sparkle in his eye. The way that he combines inordinate self-confidence, blatant impudence and admirable tenacity makes the protagonist an ideal campaigner against the (medical) establishment, which expects nothing more from its nemesis, who personifies the indomitable nature of American ambition, than the fact that he will soon die. Also fascinating especially for his physical transformation is Jared Leto, whose scenes with McConaughey are remotely reminiscent of Midnight Cowboy, another film that didn’t take itself too seriously and, on the other hand, neither revelled in its serious subject matter nor trivialised it. 75% ()


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inglés Considering that it’s an Oscar biopic about people fighting AIDS, Dallas Buyers Club is surprisingly vibrant, lively and not pathetic. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto are impressive. ()


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inglés Breaking good. This is an academic film that doesn't put the adjective in the "swear word" column, and it may thus appeal to a mainstream audience that appreciates a lead star in physical metamorphosis and anti-capitalist agitprop in smart mode. 4 ½. ()


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inglés This is actually some proper film-making craftsmanship. Matthew delivers an almost perfect acting performance and Jared Leto has no problems keeping up with him. They both play people infected with the HIV virus. But they don’t merely portray them, they truly experience the characters. Matthew is getting skinny right before our very eyes. And Jared, skinny as he already is, changes the color of his skin in a pretty scary manner. I tip my hat off to them for this. With Jared, I’m really fascinated by how far he is willing to go. Since he is a singer, I don’t think he can afford to change his body weight so radically. I’d really love to know whether this affected his musical career in any way. If nothing else, he proves what an actor he truly is. If I was on the Oscars committee, I would have a clear idea of whom to give the golden statues. Matthew proved in 2013 just what good an actor he is and Jared put on such a show that if I were to see him in another movie, I’d think that he’s crazy. But as I said… a tip of my hat. You will find the story repulsive at first, gradually, you will notice the changes in the way the characters act. And these individual moments will keep on piling up until you get to the ending and you will realize that you won’t get to see such radical a transformation in many movies. ()


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inglés How to live with HIV, not giving in to anyone or anything, cursing and going all out until the very end. Matthew McConaughey refuses to cry or laugh superficially and takes it head-on through all obstacles, even when it could be the last day of his life. And today could quite possibly be that last day. A sincere drama that is most lovable precisely because, just like the main character, it remains true to itself the entire time. ()


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inglés Ron Woodroof is a worker and a rodeo fan, but above all, a lover of life who knows how to enjoy it and doesn't deny himself anything. Drugs are easily available, the alcohol flows freely, and the girls who hover around the rodeo riders are usually willing to spend a pleasant moment in a trailer, entertaining their admirers and dispelling boredom. It's the early 80s, the time of the oil shocks, the bitterness of the Vietnam defeat, and civil activism are gone. The era of Reaganomics, yuppies, and newfound confidence has arrived. Nothing is impossible, and the motto of the day is fun. Like a bolt out of the blue, the news of Ron's AIDS diagnosis hits him after an injury. According to the doctors' experience, he has only 30 days left to live. His previous lifestyle and all the values he held dear are suddenly gone. But instead of passively waiting for death, he decides to fight it. Not only with the disease but also with the system that dislikes those who stand out and seek alternative paths. Ron becomes an advocate for unapproved treatment methods and unauthorized drugs. The initial 30 days turn into hundreds and then many years. The approach to AIDS changes, society changes, and the hero of the story changes too. From a southern roughneck and homophobic man, he becomes someone who understands the necessity of tolerance and can navigate among members of sexual minorities. Dallas Buyers Club is a drama based on a powerful story and a controversial, unforgettable main character. I would say that by choosing the unpleasant theme of human suffering and death, an unattractive storytelling style (sentimentality could have been used more prominently or cynical black humor), and above all, the performances of Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto in the main and supporting male roles, Dallas Buyers Club ranks among the most significant films of the season. I have heard it said about American actors that they are willing to undergo practically anything for the sake of a role and reputation, and McConaughey proves that this is true. From a pretty boy who recently charmed in romantic comedies, he has transformed into a walking advertisement for a crematorium, where you could count every rib on his chest on the spot, and whose determined eyes still blaze from his gaunt face marked by stress. This is, without exaggeration, an outstanding acting performance worthy of an Oscar. Overall impression: 90%. ()


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inglés Matthew is on damn good form and he’s delicious in this winning movie. We’ve seen the topic of AIDS and struggling against villainous corporations (“Fuckin’ FDA") many times before, but I can’t remember that it’s ever been served up with such style before. The life that his sickness brings with it is surprisingly fuller and more interesting - after all, he went to Japan and founded a fairly successful business. In terms of acting, this is top league on top form, Jared Leto was more convincing as a woman than as a man! It’s for personal consumption. ()


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inglés It's basically just another entry in a long line of biopics about an individual's struggle against the rest of society, which also rather lacks a greater sympathy for the contradictory and sinful main character. However, the sly McConaughey gives a wonderful performance that is so convincing and chilling in its scope and detail that it alone secures the film's status as a thought-provoking and noble tale. And he’s strongly supported by Jared Leto, who looks absolutely terrible, but no other actor today could probably portray his difficult role so impressively. A small actor's film that has its value at first, but watching it again seems as pointless as forcing Keira Knightley to start eating meat.)) Also, Jennifer Garner is so cute! 75% ()


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inglés Dallas Buyers Club is a film whose main pillars are the subject based on a true story and very good performances of both leading actors, Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto. Both of them have taken their roles conscientiously and their performances are convincing, so I am not at all surprised that both of them got the Academy Award. I must also commend the work of the make-up artists, who did an excellent job. I was slightly bored at a few moments, but otherwise the plot was very tight and consistent ()


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inglés A very intense film about people with an expired warranty and how the state treats them. As I have first-hand experience with this subject, it is very close to my heart and the writer and director have handled it really well. I'm pleased to see that Matthew McConaughey, after all the disasters he's been in, is back to proper acting, further exemplified by True Detective. An excellent film with a very depressing atmosphere and no unnecessary melodrama. Exactly what I needed. ()


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inglés Definitely an interesting topic that shows that there are truly many strong stories that can be made based on real events. Matthew McConaughey perfectly embodied the role, fully transforming from a solid guy into a walking skeleton. But his mastery is not just in what he sacrificed, it is in what he presents. Jared Leto supports him brilliantly, sometimes taking the forefront. Surprisingly, Jennifer Garner doesn't spoil it either, which is also because I like her. It is possible to make an interesting film about AIDS that is not pathetic and can captivate. I don't know if "charming" is the right word. This piece definitely has power. ()


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inglés Before I saw this film, I had heard nothing but praise for it, so my expectations were quite high. I was a bit scared at the beginning. For the first ten minutes, I was almost disgusted by both the events and the appearance of the main characters. However, shortly after, I was already caught up in the thrilling cinematic ride, based on real events, during which I didn't have time to be bored, and I simply enjoyed a brilliant acting performance by Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto in their unforgettable roles as HIV-positive individuals. Moreover, it's presented without unnecessary sentimentality, for which I applaud and thank the creators. Even without that, I ended up shedding a tear. ()

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