
Cabiria es una prostituta que ejerce como tal en uno de los barrios más pobres de Roma. Sueña, sin embargo, con encontrar el amor verdadero, un hombre que la aparte de la calle y a quien pueda entregarse en cuerpo y alma. Su bondad y su ingenuidad la convierten en víctima propicia de sucesivos vividores que se aprovechan de ella, le roban y la golpean. A pesar de sus fracasos, recobra la esperanza una y otra vez. (Divisa Home Video)


Reseñas (2)



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inglés Life is fragile and unfair and the blows of fate can be really hard, as Cabiria's protagonist could talk about from morning till night. Giulietta Masina nailed the role and did it brilliantly, all her movements, gestures, expressions and rapidly changing moods were very believable. And that she was quite annoying at times! Maybe it was the dubbing, or even the fate of Cabiria, but at times she reminded me terribly of a sort of Renée Zellweger in a mix of Ruby from Cold Mountain and Bridget Jones. In short, life’s a bitch and whoever wants to have it with minimal worries has to fight like a pitbull. ()


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inglés When you feel like your life is worthless, hold on to your ideals and dreams, because know that it can get worse. And in this case, it does. Hope dies last, but by definition, it is clear that it also dies. Fellini made a good film, but it didn't completely blow me away. However, Guilietta Masina is fantastic in her role. ()

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