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Marisa, una chica alemana de 20 años, odia a los extranjeros, a los judíos, a los policías y a todo aquel que, según ella, es culpable de la decadencia de su país. Su día a día consiste en provocar, beber, meterse en peleas y planear su próximo tatuaje: un retrato de Adolf Hitler. El único lugar en el que se siente cómoda es junto a la banda neonazi a la que pertenece. Al cumplir 14 años, Svenja se une al grupo y Marisa se convierte en un modelo a seguir para ella. Pero, accidentalmente, conoce a un joven refugiado afgano junto al que aprenderá que los principios en blanco y negro de su banda no son la única manera de ver el mundo. (Paycom Multimedia)


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Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A small trip to the Nazis on the West of our borders. I was really freaked out by the thoughts that even a child can have and how much pain it can cause with its revolt. Some moments were really uncomfortable to watch, which was the intention. Just a pity that the main character, the Combat Girl, did not get more space to express herself and explain her approach to life. Still, I have to bow down before the Germans, who are trying to atone for their past through cinematography. It is difficult, it is still a long journey and still they will never get rid of it. Nevertheless, at least they are talking about it… and that is also important. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés It pretends to be very realistic and something that could actually happen, that it's a strong story, but the story seemed quite dull to me, and I couldn't empathize with the heroes at all. I thought at least the relationship between the "heroine" and the fugitive would be interesting, but it wasn't. ()


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