Fase 7



A principios del siglo XXI, una peligrosa epidemia desató el pánico entre la población: la Gripe A. Pero, ¿fue para  tanto? ¿O sólo un invento de científicos y farmacéuticos para colocar sus productos? Sea como fuere, la psicosis colectiva lleva a un grupo de argentinos a tomar medidas extremas para protegerse contra la enfermedad. (Paycom Multimedia)


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inglés Low budget films can be forgiven many things in the format, but not in the contents. Phase 7 is formally pretty good, but the story is an example of an idiot plot, it’s something that could never, ever happen. And yet, I got something from watching it. Phase 7 is among the “Bloody Disgusting Selects” (I wasn’t able to find out what this means, maybe some kind of distribution support or media partnership, whatever), and the rip that I watched had that website’s logo in the lower right… I was so bored that I started studying the logo and I realised that the thing around it that for quite some years I thought was some sort of a cross between a prehistoric fish and a piranha, is in fact a gear in a skull! :-D Cool. ()

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