
La preciosa y vivaz Anna Karenina (Keira Knightley) lleva la vida deseada por todas sus contemporáneas: está casada con Karenin (Jude Law), un importante funcionario al que ha dado un hijo, y su posición social en San Petersburgo es envidiable. Viaja a Moscú después de recibir una carta de su hermano, el mujeriego Oblonsky (Matthew Macfadyen), pidiéndole ayuda para salvar su matrimonio con Dolly (Kelly Macdonald). En el tren, Anna conoce a la condesa Vronsky (Olivia Williams), a la que espera su hijo, el elegante oficial de caballería Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Cuando Anna es presentada al oficial, surge una chispa mutua que ninguno de los dos ignorará. (Universal Pictures España)


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inglés I have the feeling that after his fantastic debut Joe Wright is looking for something, trying new things, formally experimenting, but he just can’t find it. I experienced deep emotions in Pride and Prejudice and partly in Atonement, but I’ve missed them in his other films. I applaud his courage in treating Tolstoy's old-fashioned novel in the first half as a dynamic, rambunctious piece, situated for much of the runtime in a theatrical setting where sets change in rapid succession and actors present themselves with stylized movements (and it's a joy to watch). But the emotions that shook me so powerfully with the Soviet adaptation of Zarchy are simply not here, they don't surface enough and there are no tears in my eyes. I don't know if this is due to the fact that Zarchy approached Tolstoy's novel with a great deal of respect, perhaps more than that shown by Wright, or if the main stumbling block is that Aaron Taylor-Johnson lacks the manly charisma that makes women's knees buckle. Take away the subtle moustache and you immediately expect Vronsky to hop on a skateboard with his high school classmates and Anna Karenina to be in big trouble with the vice police for seducing an underage youth. The tragic ending itself touched me only very, very slightly and that shouldn't happen in an adaptation of such a fundamental novel. Still, gritting my teeth, I give it a merciful 4*, just for the courage Wright showed, because I’m always in favour of creative experiments. ()

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