
A teen comedy centered on a sarcastic high school senior, Wren, who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother, Joy, insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween night, so Joy can go to a rager with her much younger boyfriend. When Wren gets distracted by an invitation to the party of the year, Albert disappears into a sea of trick-or-treaters. Frantic to locate him before their mother discovers he's missing, Wren enlists the help of her sassy best friend April, as well as Peng, an aspiring ladies man and co-captain of the debate team, and Peng's best friend, Roosevelt, a sweet nerd whose crush on Wren clouds his better judgment. This unlikely foursome embarks on a high-stakes, all-night adventure to find Albert, crossing paths with outrageous characters every step of the way. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)


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Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Johnny Knoxville is definitely not a guarantee of quality comedy. His contribution to the film "Mládeži nepřístupno" is definitely not among the best. I cannot speak about the film "Konečná" yet, but at first glance - according to the trailer - it seems that his character could still be somewhat more interesting, although I still assume that Arnie is the one attracting attention. Well, I hope I get to see this movie in the cinema. But back to what "Fun Size" presents to us. More: ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I came home from work, turned the brain off and this movie was exactly perfect for leaving my brain in autopilot mode and not burdening it with more exhausting thinking. I had a good laugh at times but I also found it really cringy at others. In short, a typical three-star movie. I was able to relax and that’s exactly what I had wanted from this movie. ()


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