Die drei Federn



The Three Feathers is the story of three brothers sent out by their father the Lord to prove their worth. The two elder brothers call their younger brother Simpleton and think he's not up to it, but Simpleton finds a magic toad who helps him...
On the advice of his chief counsel Julius, old Lord Gundolf offers the throne to whichever of his sons brings him the finest carpet. He blows three feathers into the air for the boys to follow. The eldest brothers Gerhard and Gebhard are sure they'll win the contest. One goes east and the other goes west. Both make fun of the youngest, Gustav, whom they call "Simpleton", because his feather flies into a forest. At first Gustav is dejected, but then the feather leads him to a trap door concealing a staircase to another door, behind which a toad named "Itchy" lives. The toad gives him what he's looking for. In their arrogance, the two brothers only come back with cheap cloth. When they find themselves outdone, they demand a new task, saying Simpleton is not up to the job. So first the Lord asks for the most beautiful ring and then the most beautiful bride in all the land, and each time, Simpleton can count on Itchy the Toad to help him come out on top... (texto oficial de la distribuidora)


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