
This soulful romantic comedy tells a story of Stepan (25), who survives his stagnant life without any actual effort to change it. After his third attempt to graduate from university shamefully fails, and Stepan is dumped by his girlfriend, he takes shelter in his hometown, where he lingers on due to a job in local call-center, he sleeps and eats a lot and his only friend happens to be an ugly dog Krosna with a scar under its eye. But everything is to change when Stepan picks up a call in his office and hears the mysterious voice of Marie (26). Our film is a story - a generational testimony about searching for meaning of anything in this world and the importance of the ablity to make our own decisions. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)


Reseñas (3)



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Do you remember the movie Smoke? Then this movie is pretty similar. Crazy, stupid, wacky, but in spite of all of that, you have the urge to keep watching it, the minutes pass quite quickly and you can’t stop wondering which actor or actress will appear next. For me, as a debut, it was pretty good. I wouldn’t watch it again, but it has a certain status of uniqueness. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

español Tak to opravdu ne. Když se na film se stopáží 75 minut dívám napětkrát, asi je někde něco špatně. Mám pocit, že jsem sledoval pokus o alternativní film s dialogy jako vystřiženými z absurdního divadla. A čím víc jsem se blížil ke konci, tím víc jsem nabýval dojmu, že Parádně pokecal je jedna z největších českých stupidit posledních let. Vzhledem k tomu, že to není zase až taková hrůza jako Hany, tak se k odpadu nesnížím. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I don't like these film school products, and they’re not ready for normal distribution. Not to mention the fact that a repeated joke is not a joke and they can only really cast Marie Doležalová as a femme fatale in student jokes. ()