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Frankfurt, 1958. El joven fiscal Johann Radmann intenta abrirse camino en la fiscalía, siempre a la caza de casos más emocionantes que las infracciones de tráfico que acostumbran a encomendarle. Un periodista le pone sobre la pista de una trama muy oscura: algunas de las más altas esferas del gobierno están involucradas en una conspiración por ocultar crímenes cometidos por los nazis durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Con la ayuda de un superviviente de un campo de concentración llamado Simon Kirsch, Radmann y Thomas Gnielka trabajan mano a mano para encontrar pruebas que vinculen a miles de soldados de las SS (que ahora ocupan cargos de gran importancia en la Administración) con las atrocidades cometidas en Auschwitz. Johann se vuelca de lleno en el caso y empieza a dudar incluso de la honradez de su propia familia. (DeAPlaneta)


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inglés I am very surprised. Little did I know that the Germans decided to clean their rug of shame so many years after the war. And on top of that everybody threw pitchforks at them and acted as if there were no wars and Germany didn’t play a role in any of them. For me personally, this was a huge shock and I am very surprised that anybody actually tried to film this. And that must be appreciated and praised several times. I actually don’t have a problem with the actor Alexander Fehling, who was in the main role of the investigator, but rather with the ending itself, which dealt with everything at once and very quickly. A bit too quickly, if you ask me. However, as for the first film of the Německá filmová pavlač festival that we saw with my friend Enšpígl, we must say that it was a really strong German experience which proves the level German cinematography is at today! ()

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