Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS



Chronicling Syria's descent into unbridled chaos and the rise of ISIS, this gripping and insightful work captures the Syrian war's harrowing carnage, political and social consequences, and, most importantly, its human toll. Academy Award® nominated filmmaker and best-selling author Sebastian Junger and Emmy® Award-winning producer Nick Quested untangle these complex issues to create an informative and compelling documentary, edited from almost 1,000 hours of footage. Personal stories of survival and tragedy follow an extended family in their desperate attempts to flee Syria. The filmmakers take the viewer inside the aggression with gripping footage of Kurdish fighters in Sinjar, Shia militias in Iraq and even al-Qaida-affiliated fighters in and around Aleppo and Raqqa. With keen insight from top experts from around the world, we watch as the story continues to unfold day to day. (Tribeca Film Festival)


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