
After a whirlwind romance while on vacation in Mexico, young and beautiful heiress Celia (Bennett) decides to marry Mark Lamphere (Redgrave), the publisher of an architectural journal. Once the honeymoon is over, however, Celia begins to suspect that her new husband is deeply disturbed and may have murdered his first wife. Filled with stunning visuals and amazing camera moves. Lang creates an engrossing film. The most successful aspect of the production is the cinematography, which creates a shadowy world of false appearances, hidden meanings, and elusive truths. The musical score by Miklos Rozsa also is fascinating. In the screening room Lang suggested that Rozsa compose the music in reverse and then when the reversed score was recorded it could be played back the other way, making the music sound normal but retaining an intangible, odd quality. The trick worked and Rozsas score adds an eerie and disturbing facet to the overall effect. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)


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español ¿Realmente necesitaba Fritz Lang plagiar a Hitchcock de forma tan barata? Esto no es un homenaje o tributo a Rebeca, es en todos los sentidos un pobre plagio de ella. No tiene la ambientación gótica que debería haberle dado la atmósfera misteriosa necesaria y al protagonista masculino le falta el carisma necesario. El personaje del hijo, el más interesante en potencia, está clamorosamente sin desarrollar. La revelación final es insatisfactoria y banal. [Noir Film Fest] ()


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inglés I'll admit a bit disappointingly that I expected more from Fritz Lang. Musically, the film is overly grandiose and excessively emphasizes that this is something terrifying. The story is incredibly suspenseful, but the finale definitely doesn't contribute significantly to it and does it no favors. I could imagine the psychological scenes being more effectively portrayed. ()