
Original y adrenalínico thriller de acción en el que Roy (Frank Grillo), un antiguo miembro de la marina, se encuentra atrapado en el día 129 del mismo día en que murió 128 veces. No sabe por qué le ocurre esto, pero sabe que alguien lo matará solo para que se despierte esa misma mañana y lo repita todo de nuevo. ¿Descubrirá alguna vez la verdad o estará para siempre en este infierno sin mañana? (YouPlanet Pictures)


Reseñas (12)



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inglés What a bolt from the blue! Seriously, I hadn’t heard anything about this film, and suddenly—bam!—it’s the B-movie of the year, without a doubt! In the current not-so-optimistic climate where new films are scarce, I enthusiastically welcomed this creation from the skilled filmmaker Joe Carnahan. Visually, it’s a cheap B-movie straight out of the '90s, the kind that would land on DVD shelves. But the energy radiating from every frame and the simple, dry humor of the main character surprisingly worked wonders for me. Frank Grillo can definitely mark this film as a successful notch on his belt, and it might even be his best work in Hollywood. He’s incredibly charismatic and ripped (it’s a shame he isn’t, say, 10 years younger)! The story doesn’t offer any surprises; it borrows a lot from other films dealing with the repeating-day concept, but the comedic element really saves it. There are moments where you’ll genuinely laugh from the heart, take my word for it. It also includes some quite surprising twists within the limits of its screenplay. I’ll definitely revisit it; such a cheap yet successful little film is not something you see every day. For me, it’s a strong 7/10. ()


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español Un guión sorprendentemente fresco e imaginativo para una película de serie B con concepto de videojuego, con giros que llevan los clichés de la historia al doble de lo que cabría esperar. Y con un montón de momentos frescos y alegres. Diversión continua con un tono agradablemente desenfadado que (afortunadamente) no se toma en serio en lo más mínimo. ()


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español Muere otra vez es una película de acción de bucle temporal bastante entretenida y llena de humo. Sin embargo se queda un poco corta para este subgénero después de la refrescante Palm Springs . He echado en falta más espacio para Mel Gibson, prácticamente viene a decir un típico monólogo de villano y luego solo aparece de vez en cuando en la historia. No hay ninguna «boss fight» épica al final. Cuando empiezan a rodar los créditos finales, esperas que se fundan y haya una escena final. Pero no llega. Al final, lo más destacado de la película es la unión entre el protagonista y su hijo, pero la mayor parte del resto, incluidos los cómicos y variados minibosses, más bien los olvidas unos días después de ver la película. Decentemente entretenida, pero no tan buena como podría y debería haber sido. ()


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inglés Hmm, that a film called Boss Level doesn’t have, well, a boss level was quite a surprise. Otherwise, this is a likeable action time loop with a video game logic, where Frank Grillo has many attempts to overcome numerous obstacles in order to reach the final boss performed by Mel Gibson. And, as it’s clear from the opening statement of this review, the climax with Mel Gibson was not very satisfactory. But yeah, I had fun, I was in the mood for something this silly and easygoing, so bugger it, 4*, though I can imagine I would trash it if I were in a different mood; objectively, it’s bollocks after all… ()



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inglés It’s a bit of a shame that Mel Gibson plays the bad guy here, but on the flip side, Frank Grillo fits the hero role perfectly. I’ve always seen him as more of a supporting actor, but here he absolutely nails it as the action hero caught in a time loop. Speaking of time loops, they never seem to get old, do they? Boss Level ends up being one of the most entertaining action flicks in recent months. The action is top-notch, the story is classic, but you’ll love the creative twists the filmmakers have thrown in. ()


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inglés A tight action B-movie with a time loop reminiscent of a video game with the excellent Frank Grillo, who has quite possibly the best performance of his career. The main character wakes up every morning with a bunch of assassins trying to kill him for reasons unknown, and when he fails, his day resets again. Very entertaining and playfully with lots of ideas, fine lines, and decent action, even though there are no proper fights or shootouts, it's mostly very spectacular and quick disposals, but it doesn't matter too much. Mel Gibson and Naomi Watts are just for show, but even in such a small space Mel managed to impress me, especially with his story with the snake. Good fun. Story****, Action****, Humor****, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Suspense****. 8/10. ()


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inglés Carnahan’s early Xmas gift to connoisseurs. Even though this is rather a cheap, nostalgically bloody production with just average special effects and an uncomplicated, nineties story, it has so many nods and so much self-parody that it’s easy to forgive. The time loop is the catalyst, but Boss Level is more about love of action, old video games and family. Frank Grillo is great as both ultimate killer and caring father. He reels off great one-liners, one after another, so you can’t help but root for him. Gibson enjoys himself greatly in the role of colonel with a savior complex who likes listening to himself speak. Naomi Watts manages to chisel out the most complex of characters in just two scenes. Great fun, but I’m very sad that I won’t be able to see it in the movie theater, thanks to Covid. There's something I don't like about him. He has that... trait. ... The overachiever who makes up for a lack of talent with hustle. ()


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inglés Original, fast-paced, fun. Understandably, it doesn't surpass the conceptually similar Edge of Tomorrow, the plot is too trivial for that, but that was not the intention. Carnahan sets the viewer on a sarcastic note from the start and doesn't take his foot off the gas until the very end, which is appropriately weird. The buffed-up Grillo shows that he can be a pretty likeable dad in addition to a perfect figure, so for daring to take his acting creations a step further, it's definitely a thumbs up. Gibson, meanwhile, plays his grizzled bad-ass standard of recent years. ()


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inglés The story looks like it was written by two 10 y.o. boys and Joen Carnaham helped them to turn that into a script. Even if that was the case, it would be fine, really, because Boss Level is mostly good fun (I’m seriously lacking comedies among the genres) with only the occasionally unlikeable Frank Grillo. ()


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inglés A inoffensive combination of Frank Grillo, action carnage and a fresh mix of Edge of Tomorrow style and arcade gameplay with a shoot through to the final boss. Perhaps a bit of a shame that the action didn't step on the gas more, that Mel Gibson didn't have a more prominent villain role, and that there's 20 minutes of conservative love story filler and emotional wringing from the father-son bond, but otherwise I enjoyed the film in places. Nothing groundbreaking, but it's still one of those less annoying action B-movies. ()


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inglés Boss Level is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The theme is seriously worn out, but hey, all the action and fight scenes were shot brilliantly, and the main character's quips were pretty funny, so as an action flick, it'd get a solid four stars from me. However... the creators didn't stop there. They delved into a philosophical and psychological defense of life's true values, forcing the viewer to activate at least a part of their brain from relaxation mode. And right at that moment, the film stopped working for me because, in my opinion, it didn't need to be more than a straightforward action joyride. That cost it two stars. As an action romp with undemanding humor, 4 stars; with all those pontifications and Mel Gibson's drawn-out fable about a boar and a snake, just 2*+. ()