False Confessions

Dinamarca / Estados Unidos, 2018, 91 min


Families and lives torn apart. Jobs and money lost. Mental and emotional abuse. The damage wrought by the growing number of wrongful imprisonment cases can never be undone. Because of this, defense attorney Jane Fisher-Byrialsen fights for the rights of victims in four cases where manipulative and exploitive police interrogation tactics have had catastrophic effects on the lives of the accused. Can Fisher-Byrialsen’s efforts help combat the very system she must work within? A legal thriller from start to finish, False Confessions shines a critical light on the dirty tactics that defy reason and betray our nation’s moral compass and path to real justice. The deception and trickery make us tired, weary and skeptical: is the police force here to serve and protect, or to exploit and imprison? (Los Angeles Film Festival)
