Zachodi - ně bojsja, vychodi - ně plač

  • Rusia Zakhodi - ne boysya, vykhodi - ne plach (más)


In this comedy, businesswoman Stella is looking forward to a weekend away with her lover, Georgiy. However, as soon as she leaves, her apartment is broken into by Svetlana, who is looking for valuables to sell. She is soon followed by Stella's ex-husband, Gennadiy, who is searching for the documents that Stella is using to blackmail him with. Lastly, Georgiy makes an excuse to cancel the trip, leaving the plane at the last minute so that he too can break into Stella's apartment and steal a large sum of money. After several hours, Stella returns home to discover that her lover has gone and so too have most of her belongings. An interfering old woman from the flat below, Gennadiy's drunken friend and the local police join this merry gang as they scheme and plot their way to a happy ending. (Star Media)

