
Una de las tradiciones de la familia Miguel es la enigmática prohibición de estar en contacto con la música. Pero Miguel sueña con convertirse en un músico consumado como su ídolo, Ernesto de la Cruz. Miguel desea con todas sus fuerzas demostrar su talento y acaba en la impresionante y colorida Tierra de los Muertos tras una misteriosa cadena de acontecimientos. A lo largo del camino, conocerá a Héctor y juntos emprenderán un viaje extraordinario para desvelar la verdad que subyace en la historia familiar de Miguel. (Disney España)


Reseñas (12)



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inglés Only Pixar is capable of tear-jerkers like this. A visually polished world with clever rules and a Mexican atmosphere with the right kind of message. A message about family and how important it is not to forget. And about music, of course. Giacchino really lays it on us. The sophisticated guitar parts and catchy tunes would warm the heart of the dead. ()


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español Na doporučení kolegyně jsem si to s dcerkou pustil a věděl jsem, proč jsem se tomu bránil. U toho asi opravdu nemůže zůstat ani jedno oko suché, ani u těch nejzarytějších cyniků anebo lidí s ledovým srdcem. Na druhou stranu ti asi tento příběh ani vyhledávat nebudou. Všechno do sebe krásně zapadá, nádherný vizuál, zvláště v Říši mrtvých, silný a dojemný příběh, k tomu ten latinos prvek, který všemu dodává větší šmrnc. Když nad tím přemýšlím, možná nejlepší a nejkrásnější snímek, který jsem od Pixaru viděl. ()


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inglés For about three quarters of its runtime, it still feels like a classy four-star animated film, with lots of visual flourishes and ideas, some predictable sequences, and one weaker scene that I've seen in other films (the reveal of the bad guy to the public). But then it builds up to an incredible moving moment, and the pivotal scene with the song at the end made me cry like a little kid – something that hasn’t happened to me in a long time. It's true, the most important thing in life is the family being together in mutual love and respect for the elderly. On top of that, the eye-pleasing Mexican setting, unusual in Hollywood productions, its flair and positive mood. Yeah, it was very good. ()


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inglés Pixar will probably always guarantee a good quality. Nice animation, great characters, good songs, a nice idea of the undead world which is a combination of Tim Burton’s world and the Grim Fandango game. If you like both you can’t be disappointed. Plus, the Czech dubbing is on point as usually. ()



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inglés A Pixar movie as it should be, but Zootropolis is still unbeaten for me. Coco has solid visuals, a nice story, nice songs, decent pacing, a good dose of humor, and one very good plot twist. The emotional finale left me cold this time, but otherwise satisfied. Good fun for the whole family. No wonder Coco is a hit in Mexico. 80% ()


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inglés The premise and the Mexican atmosphere are definitely great, but the characters aren’t fully developed. Not to mention that you can feel how much the film wants to be touching and I don't think it ultimately succeeds. I've seen prettier fairy tales. With nicer endings, more sympathetic protagonists and, most importantly, no annoying supporting characters. I’ll give an extra point for the music and the Spanish, but otherwise I consider it a slight disappointment. 3 stars. ()


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inglés In my opinion, Coco is probably the best-animated movie of the year 2017. It is colorful and beautifully shot. It has got some drive, the characters are likable, it is entertaining, and the narrative is really good (considering it is Pixar). They did a great job as it gets really emotional, and I almost could not hold back the tears at the very end. As for the negative aspects, the movie is very predictable in places (who exactly is Hector?), slightly unbelievable at times (could a family ban music so stringently?), and the first half of the movie is much less interesting than the second. In my final assessment, I compared it mainly to last year's Kubo and the Two Strings and 2014's The Book of Life (because of the subject matter), and I am finally clear about the rating, 8.4/10. ()


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inglés A cute colorful mashup with a cool Mexican vibe that has all the right values and ingredients to make it look like it came out of some pint-sized Rolls Royce treadmill. ()


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inglés A cloying story that relies solely on clichés and basic family values, led by a typical outsider whom everybody underestimates and prevents from dedicating himself to the only thing he enjoys. Fortunately, that routine development is abundantly spiced up after arrival in the Land of the Dead, and the film becomes visually and humanly richer and gets a relentless pace, and the fate of the heroes is closed in a way that will soften even the toughest grouch and will cause an unlimited flow of tears. The moral is important and also fun, so mission accomplished. 75% ()


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inglés Two years ago, Pixar managed to impress with the breathtaking Inside Out, and with their latest piece, which hides behind the modest title Coco. For 100 minutes, we can escape into a beautifully colourful spectacle where the world of the living and the dead – and the world of lies and truths – collide. I have to admit that I have not been moved by a film in the cinema (or indeed at home) for a very long time as much as with Coco. If you're expecting a crazy romp in a hundred colourful ways, you'll probably be disappointed, that's definitely not what this film is about. There are plenty of humorous scenes, but they are served in reasonable doses. In particular, this film relies on a deep story, which features more than one unexpected detour and, most importantly, the (already mentioned by many) plot twist that you don’t get in most animated films today. In short, a very good piece of work that reminds you that you should not judge a book by its cover, that every truth and lie has two sides, just like a coin, and above all that the most precious jewel we can get is a loving family. ()


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inglés I have nothing against animated films about the undead (how could I, right?), but Coco will definitely not become one of my favorites. I expect the world beyond to have a certain atmosphere, which Tim Burton is so excellent at. In this case I got some sort of a carnival of colors and joy. I get it that Mexicans have different traditions, but this film gave me the impression that they are practically looking forward to death, unless someone forgets to put up their photo. I didn’t find anything interesting about the story in the first half, the situation improved in the second half, but I can't say I was beside myself with joy. There was far too much music and family happiness for my taste. To enjoy the film, I would need better jokes and a less transparent plot. ()


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inglés While you'd think Pixar wouldn't be able to come up with a film that gets to you again, the opposite is true. By the end, I just couldn't help watching the film through tears. Visually beautiful, Day of the Dead is a great backdrop in its own right, but in Pixar's rendition it is beautiful to behold. You can add to that a story that is beautifully powerful, emotional and just plain good. A beautiful film! ()