
Santa Claus y, sin que nadie se dé cuenta, acaba en el taller de éste en el Polo Norte. Aunque allí es adoptado y educado como duende, pronto se hace tres veces más grande que los demás habitantes del Polo Norte, y quedará claro que Buddy (Will Ferrer), nunca encajará perfectamente en el mundo de los duendes. Lo que necesita es encontrar a su verdadera familia. Así, estas Navidades Buddy se propone encontrar su lugar en el mundo y con ese objetivo pone rumbo a Nueva York. (Tripictures)


Reseñas (6)



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inglés It's like dozens of other Christmas movies, but you can't deny the fact that it's brimming with Christmas atmosphere and the story is full of funny and entertaining situations. And on top of that, it has Will Ferrell in the lead role, probably the greatest actor of our time, who doesn't shy away from anything in order to entertain the audience. And that's why I like him and I always enjoy his performances, unless they are part of a downright boring and dull script. Elf isn't a bad comedy, it gives Ferrell the chance to really shine in a way that isn't for a moment outright embarrassing or unbearable. If it’s Christmas and the mood is good, I see no reason to dismiss this cute adventure from the North Pole. 70% ()


todas reseñas del usuario

español La reunión navideña durante el tiempo de Adviento encontró mi estado de ánimo y debo reconocer objetivamente que me divertí y reí varias veces. Sin excesos ni momentos embarazosos, de alguna manera perfectamente dosificado de todo un poco y fue un éxito. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Will Ferrell and his specific humor does not suit everyone. But if you tune in to his wave at Christmas, you’ll get a reward for it, because this movie is rather entertaining. ()


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inglés An annoying grump becomes a substitute Santa, an elemental elf becomes a part of the family, and a semi-crazy Christmas comedy becomes a pleasantly sweet gift. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Not that I would want to see Elf as a modern holiday classic every year starting this year, but it's a fine film. Will Ferrel plays his usual idiot charmingly, the film is also pleasantly short and goes by so quickly that you almost don't notice how banal it is. On the one hand, it makes fun of Christmas family movies, on the other hand, it's one of them... And I don’t care. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés At the beginning, there are a lot of jokes here that simply come from the fact that everything is viewed from the perspective that Santa and the elves really exist. It is fun, but you can see that nobody put much effort into it. Jon Favreau proves that his success with the "Iron Man" series was not simply because he is a good director, but because he was lucky with the series, his collaborators, and especially because comic book adaptations are popular, especially those from Marvel, which build an extensive world around themselves. "Elf" is just an example of Favreau's mediocrity, as he is unable to handle a Christmas story in an interesting way, even though he has great actors at his disposal. Terrible trash and kitsch that has all the shortcomings of Christmas movies - stupidity, pathos, stupid characters, unnecessary romance, etc. Phew, dreadful. ()