
When the Vorash system's sun goes supernova, the explosion propels both SG-1 and system lord Apophis' ships more than four million light-years from Earth. An unknown ship appears and attacks Apophis' vessel, while Jacob Carter manages to hide SG-1's ship. He and SG-1 return after the battle to find Apophis' ship abandoned, infested with Replicators and set to self-destruct. Another ship, apparently a Goa'uld cargo vessel, appears with Teal'c in command. But when Maj. Samantha Carter, Col. Jack O'Neill, and Dr. Daniel Jackson go to greet him, they are taken hostage. Apophis then takes control of SG-1's ship and sets a course for Delmak. To make matters worse, Replicators now have infected SG-1's ship, as well. The team escapes their confinement, but now they must stop the ship before it can reach their own galaxy. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))

