
  • México Maligno (más)
Tráiler 1


En la película, Madison está paralizada por visiones impactantes de asesinatos espeluznantes, y su tormento empeora cuando descubre que estos sueños de vigilia son, de hecho, realidades aterradoras. (Warner Bros. España)

Reseñas (14)



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inglés Argento. Hee hee hee. Cronenberg. Lol. A tribute to giallo. Ho ho ho. Dude, this is a total Vidocq in the sense of the work of a visual eccentric who is totally competent in the technical elements, but basically has no control over what's actually going on underneath the camera zooms, the staged action sequences, the simulated anamorphic lenses, and the CGI gothic madness. In the third act, it goes so far off the leash that it's resorts to pure camp. I didn't expect Wan could so comically screw this up. ()


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español ¿Un giallo de Cronenberg visto por Wan? Muy loca, demasiado para el espectador convencional. A mi me han gustado los efectos visuales, Annabelle Wallis y la valentía del director, pero el final más que alegrarte te cuesta de creer. ()


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español Wan quiso hacer una película de terror loco sobre un asesino misterioso, pero se atascó en los procedimientos que tiene probados de las películas de fantasmas, por lo que le salió un caos excesivamente complicado, ridículo de forma involuntaria y exagerado en todos los sentidos, en la que hay mucho sin sentido porque está solo por el efecto. Sin embargo, la idea central (aunque esté afectada de todo lo anterior) es interesante y estimulante. Tendría que desarrollarse de forma más tenue, más concentrada y con un presupuesto menor. ¿Por qué necesita esta película esos desafiantes decorados digitales, una escenografía megalómana y una duración de casi dos horas? No lo necesita. Lo único que hizo falta fue más criterio por parte del director, que aquí se fue en todas direcciones y sin control porque podía. Y si en su próxima película veo un torrente tan exagerado de bombillas que parpadean y se apagan, pantallas granuladas y ruido de radio en cada escena (¡porque se supone que todo es bububu!), está acabado como director para siempre. ()


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español Los malignos son todos esos loros que han creído a los que dicen que James Wan está filmando un neo giallo, y aunque el producto final no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con las películas de giallo, siguen repitiendo cómo claramente se ve la influencia de Argento, Bava y otros íconos - ¡NO! ¡NO! ¡NO! Estaba muy emocionado por ver Maligno, me gusta la obra de Wan, pero aquí se desvió totalmente por primera vez y me quedé en shock con el desastre que le salió. La toma de pájaro es genial y siempre la disfruto, pero ya no puedo soportar ese visual digital echado a perder. ¡Si al menos esa estupidez no se tomara tan en serio! Por cierto: Me quedé rascándome la cabeza cuando leí en los comentarios que supuestamente la basura musical creada por Joseph Bishara hace referencia a Riz Ortolani - la persona que escribió esto está completamente sumergida en su propio trasero, o nunca ha escuchado nada de Ortolani en su vida. Por cierto 2: amante del cine, mira algunas películas de giallo de Argento, Bava, Fulci o Martino antes de escribir sobre cómo Wan les rinde homenaje y sigue sus pasos. Wan solo se rinde homenaje a sí mismo y utiliza fragmentos de diversas fuentes basura, pero definitivamente no le rinde homenaje a nadie ni a nada en concreto. Esta es simplemente una película de James Wan y nada más. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Pure fun. The trailer touted a completely different film, but in the end James Wan actually made a Giallo purely for fun, but not the 70s Giallo, the serious kind that worked with pretty colours, a classic detective line and a masked killer in a black cloak, gloves and a knife; Malignant is closer to the later Giallo, which used to be spiced up with some completely insane fantasy element. It's hard to write about it without spoilers, but it would be a shame to reveal the film's plot twists. The script is fun because of the speed to which it builds up the plot, which is actually terribly silly and trashy. If it were another filmmaker, you might well wonder whether they are joking or being serious about this kind of film, but Malignant is clearly anchored somewhere in between. It has a lot of exaggerated details that seem downright comedic, which is obviously the intention, and it should be taken as some sort of playful joke with which the director had fun on the set, and which the viewer should also have fun with. That some of the details don’t make sense, it doesn’t matter. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés James Wan made a movie for fun. He made a horror film about a woman who becomes an unwilling witness to violent crimes, in the style of the B-horror films of the 1980s. He is not afraid of absurdity, even going for the slightly ridiculous at times, but at the same time the film is extremely imaginative and clever, and uncompromisingly his. You may find it terribly satisfying, or you may turn it off in disgust halfway through. But it's definitely worth a try. Because if you happen to be in tune with Wan, you'll enjoy it immensely. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés You can definitely tell this film is directed by James Wan, especially in the second half where it really hits its stride. As many have noted, it nods to classic Italian giallo films, which is a nice touch. However, before the story picks up — and don’t expect much logic here — you’ll have to endure a stretch of dull moments that feel surprisingly out of place for Wan. ()


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inglés A bland episode of Tales from the Crypt that only becomes entertaining during the overblown Troma-like finale. The problem is that before it tears off the chain, it's preceded by a full-length runtime of sheer boredom, zero tension building, unimaginative gore, slavish Giallo allusions, generic characters and non-existent atmosphere. There's a real risk that you won't even be awake for the finale. ()


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inglés Batshit bonkers! Even Wan has realised that you can't live without gore. Emotionally, maybe at four stars, but genre-wise I have to give it a full score, because James Wan has once again delivered a horror film that is essential, that will not be forgotten and that has brought something out of the ordinary. Argento, Bava, Carpenter and Cronenberg, you can see them there to be felt and it's an homage to giallo, body horror, crime and most importantly Italy in the 1970s and 80s. Gloves, a stylish murder weapon, a black cloak and dark red. The beautiful Annabelle Wallis suffers from visions where she sees gruesome and raw murders (gorgeous!). Malignant will certainly not please fans of PG-13 ghost stories and probably won't say anything to teenagers as they need to have the term giallo explained to them, but I enjoyed it. Visually, it’s very appealing, the music is downright banging (the soundtrack already has a cult-classic feel to it). Like Wan's Saw, it has a likeable B-movie like story with a creepy twist that, while guessable beforehand, is disturbing and refreshing enough to make you forgive it. Everything culminates in the insane third act, where Wan gets unleashed like a lion that hasn't eaten in days. The prison scene is so stylish and insanely paced that even the The Raid would bow before it. I screamed with delight again and again and will probably replay this sequence every time I'm in a bad mood. When I read that violence makes people sick, it makes me sick. Not for fancy people. Story 4/5, Action 5/5, Humor 0/5, Violence 4/5, Funny 4/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 5/5, Suspense 4/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 3/5. 8.5/10. ()


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inglés A festival of bad decisions and red herrings, including some outright lies during the exposition. I am glad that James Wan is gradually trampling into the ground any expectations for the next variation on The Conjuring, but the direction he's taking is very wrong-headed for the given moment. The inferno of the last half hour does show how good of an action director he is, but I simply did not have the capacity to take anything happening on the screen seriously, even for a second. And yes, I understand that there are a lot of references and homages here, but when the source material you're referencing is a genre questionable at best, and you're replicating it in the majority of factors, I won't give you credit for imitation when the result is such a B-movie. ()


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inglés If the film, especially in the end, didn't crap on the rules of its world so much (the monster suddenly can't overpower a single bloke, but then it cuts a whole police station into shreds) and didn't offer a parody of Matrix-like action, I'd give it a happy 4*. The 80s concept of Basket Case driven by Wan's dark visuals and grindhouse violence is great, and even though we can see the twist coming, it's still fun to wait for it. An interesting genre flick, too bad Wan didn't stick more to the atmosphere and mystery of the first hour. 70 % ()


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inglés Wow!!! The film by James Wan is out and it’s something  nobody expected from him and absolutely goes beyond everything we thought. It’s about a woman who sees murders as they happen, only that the killer is not a man, but something supernatural - I don't think I'll go into any more analysis, because the less you know, the better you will enjoy the film. It must be said that Malignant is a royal surprise that has everything a horror film should have: a decent story), a suffocating and mysterious atmosphere, a likeable cast, an excellent soundtrack from the opening credits, decent scares, wholesome and dense murders, and most importantly an explosive finale that rips your balls off. Plus, I haven't seen a similar style of horror – mix of genres – in months, which only adds to the satisfaction and finally a fresh breath in the horror field. The murders are the best things, they are both terribly entertaining and uncomfortable, you look forward to them and wish they'd never stop, but the clear highlight is the gorefest , where the body-count is higher than anywhere else and which ambitiously caps off this whole ride. At any other time I would shake my head at the individual elements, but here they are presented in such a wonderfully systematic, logical and interesting way that together they form a horror film that is simply its own and unique. It has to be said that the whole film has to be taken with a grain of salt in places and you have to fully immerse yourself in it, which is the reason why so many viewers (not only here) are dissatisfied and grumbling. Simply an unexpected boom that came out of nowhere, I give it every thumbs up and would happily watch it again. ()


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inglés I really dig James Wan! He operates in this genre like a fish in water, so I had high hopes for this project! The trailers got me excited, though they unfortunately gave away a few things; still, as a viewer, I experienced several crazy and surprising twists! Annabelle Wallis in the lead role was excellent—she had a tough time in a few moments, but she handled it brilliantly. The visual aspect was once again precise, and the camera work was outstanding. The intense soundtrack was just an added bonus. But what’s crucial for evaluation is the story. A few times I wondered what exactly I was watching because it sometimes felt like an over-the-top phantasmagoria, but in the end, with that twist, it all came together like a perfect puzzle (and that bloody mess at the police station... luxurious :D). Plus, I appreciated it from the perspective of a medical student :D You have to see it for yourself. It’s not really worth trying to explain rationally. For me, it’s 8/10. I'm looking forward to Wan’s next project :) ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Definitely don't expect another Insidious or The ConjuringMalignant is really a long way from some haunted house horror (except for the first 10 minutes). In its visual stylization and overall concept, it does indeed resemble a giallo, but that doesn't mean that James Wan isn't innovative and hasn't crossed genre boundaries. Apart from the great action/fight sequences, the overall audiovisual treatment is once again up to par, which is already such a "Wan" standard. I find Malignant to be such a nice contribution to Wan's filmography, which he made sort of for himself and mainly for his own pleasure. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. [75%] ()