
En una isla del Sur del Pacífico, una avioneta se ve obligada a realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia. En ella viaja una expedición secreta que está investigando un virus mortal desconocido. Encabezada por el escéptico aventurero Valentine, la expedición está formada por el prestigioso profesor Samuel León, su bella ayudante Susana y la piloto Loren Mercer, una antigua miembro del ejército que espera encontrar allí a su hermano, desaparecido en una misión secreta. Muy pronto empezarán a ocurrir extraños sucesos. En cuanto el grupo empieza a recorrer el otro lado de la isla, descubrirán horrorizados que la zona está habitada por enormes arañas mutantes de procedencia extraterrestre y con un voraz instinto asesino. Salir de allí cuanto antes se convertirá en su único objetivo. (Movistar+)


Reseñas (2)



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inglés Arachnid isn't as bad a film as the databases make it out to be. It's just a movie about spiders, not very memorable ones, and doesn't stand out in terms of plot, but as a B-movie, in my opinion, it's not offensive. I've seen much worse movies that didn't even have the good special effects aspect, in which Arachnid doesn't excel in every shot, but it can be quite pleasing at times. This is not deserving of a Boo! rating. ()


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inglés I was quite curious, because this spider horror film is preceded by the most opulent reputation of all anti-movies. It was a futile effort and, more importantly, a futile sacrifice of my precious time. Arachnid is a bad movie pure and simple, one that mindlessly recycles a bunch of familiar motifs, applying grotesque digital effects that wouldn't scare a five-year-old child. And if the first half, which works exclusively with hints of impending danger, is at least an easygoing adventure with an attractive pilot and a sexy blonde, the action-packed ending is ridiculous, static, unadorned and above all completely bloodless, without any hint of a self-conscious guilty pleasure nod. I'm ignoring the alien plot completely, it's ultimately redundant anyway, and I'm sending one star along with a warning that the distributor's blurb is more horrifying and exciting than the film itself – just don't be fooled like me ;) 20% ()

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