Google Play - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



Unfortunately, the decently constructed atmospherics of the first half are interspersed with utterly unbelievable screenwriting wanking, which brings unintentionally charming comedic touches (Justin Long with the wind… (más)

GoldbeaterMoonage Daydream(2022) 

The phrase "music documentary" is completely misleading in this case. Moonage Daydream is more of an audiovisual mosaic portrait and experiential film using very (but really VERY) free form to tell the story of David… (más)

MattyEl último baile de Magic Mike(2023) 

The first Magic Mike was an uncomplicated social drama, the second a road movie and this, the third one, is a Lubitsch-esque conversational comedy built on the foundation of a backstage musical. Or Pretty Woman in… (más)

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