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MarigoldLa última noche de Boris Grushenko(1975) 

Woody Allen once again used his main weapons in Love and Death – a ridiculously ugly face, sarcasm, and perfect knowledge of the plot of classical literature, which he turned into a wood shed without piety. Parodies of… (más)

StanislausSenderos de gloria(1957) 

After The Shining and Barry Lyndon, I had the opportunity (or rather the obligation) to watch Paths of Glory, which is also another example of a quality film by Stanley Kubrick. But since I am not a fan of war-themed… (más)

D.MooreNIMH, El mundo secreto de la Sra. Brisby(1982) 

A pleasantly different cartoon that I'll definitely like to watch again sometime. It has an imaginative story, whose main character is a caring mouse mother from the family and not any of her teenage offspring, it is… (más)

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