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Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal (2001) 

inglés At the beginning of the new millennium, the grand journey of one of the greatest cinematic sagas of the 21st century began, and I have a vivid memory of staring in disbelief at what it actually was, as the book version didn't come to me until several years later. Chris Columbus's first (and second) Harry Potter is still a PG-rated tale that exudes the family feel of the director's previous film Home Alone. Even years after the premiere, the unforgettable theme tune from composing titan John Williams still rings in my ears, and while some of the effects are subpar, I was still pleased with the visuals. There are a few clumsily done spots in terms of the script that were due to the adaptation of the source material, but that's something to be expected with most film adaptations. Alan Rickman is already incredibly convincing here, and the mediocre performances of the still-unseasoned trio are balanced by seasoned actors like Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane. One of the prime examples of what a family fantasy film should look like, and while it has its flaws, it's perfect for its age group.


Un amor de París (1957) 

inglés At the beginning it looked really great, with quite funny observations and the overall of Paris. But then it became chaotic and almost annoying at times. Poor Monpti, he must have been quite stressed. Romy Schneider, who plays Anne-Claire, was a nice actress, but here her character was annoying in places. In short, an innocent romantic film that has a bit of an uncontrolled flow, but as a whole leaves a mediocre impression.


Noche silenciosa, noche sangrienta (1972) 

inglés I don't think I've ever seen a plot this bizarrely constructed before, and it was completely ruined by the climax and the (for me) nonsensical conclusion. Even though the film is only ninety minutes long, it was too boring, uninteresting and completely dry in places. The same goes for the actors. In short, a film that won't be hard to forget because it offers nothing worthwhile.


I'm coming home (2011) (película estudiantil) 

inglés A solid documentary following a bunch of men who are addicted to going to the pub and drinking any kind of alcohol, especially beer. Aside from the confessionals, there are some nice camera shots and the running time is absolutely optimal.


Breakfast with Scot (2007) 

inglés Breakfast with Scot is based on an old familiar tale that runs almost exactly to the textbook examples of the making of American (Canadian in this case) romantic comedies: there's someone who doesn't like kids but eventually finds out they can't be without them, plus other clichés and all-dialogue that form the basis of the mass majority of film production today. So why the 4*? Because it was an enjoyable outing with a likable lead couple and a certain hybrid of Dorothy and Peter Pan (I really spent much of the film groping over the gender of Scot). Plus it had a funny side that complemented the family movie line.


In God We Trust (2000) 

inglés A truly refreshing and bombastic short film miracle, benefiting especially from a quality story that is simple in essence but incredibly gripping in reality. Personally, I'd rather not even see my own score, because knowing myself, I'd be proudly attacking absolute zero by now.


Dans la tête (2008) 

inglés A humorous and at the same time quite harsh short film about a man who finds out for himself that dying in the most appropriate way is not such an easy thing to do.


Beautiful Thing (1996) 

inglés It is similar to (in this case, more like a predecessor of) the Get Real, which I liked a bit more in terms of the issue it addresses. The story is cleverly set in a hostile and dangerous neighbourhood and we, the audience, get to follow the fortunes of the residents who are not having an easy time of it. It was simple, raw and completely honest at the same time. In short, I've been disappointed by British productions on a limited number of occasions, and this film is definitely one of their above average pieces.


Agua para elefantes (2011) 

inglés Water for Elephants is in some ways a more modest take on the iconic Titanic, except now it's grandpa returning in his memories, but it's just as bittersweet and enjoyable as the the famous blockbuster. I'd take an elephant like Rosie home in a heartbeat, except in a much smaller version, because she shines the most as an “actor” next to Christoph Waltz. The pairing of Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon is a strange combination, and if someone had told me that these two would be starring in a movie in 2011 and as a couple in love, I probably wouldn't have been able to avoid laughing. They weren't bad, but the chemistry between them wasn't that good. All in all, an easygoing and likeable film whose final fifteen minutes are exemplary filmmaking


C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) 

inglés C.R.A.Z.Y. is a two-hour long and incredible journey with countless peripeteia and dramas aimed at self-discovery in the most complex period of human life - adolescence. We follow the fate of one (a)typical family whose members experience their small and big joys and sorrows. The cast was well chosen and each actor was perfectly suited to their character. The serious line of the film was enriched with fantasy scenes and all this was underlined by a slightly humorous level, which provided a certain degree of lightness. The entire running time was fully utilized and it is almost unbelievable how much action was packed into it. In short, a film that plays no games and tries to highlight issues that can affect any family, anywhere in the world.