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Vengadores: Infinity War (2018) 

inglés The most anticipated blockbuster of the year, a film that seemingly no movie fan missed in movie theaters. I eventually made it to the movie theater, albeit a bit later than the premiere, but I was there. That’s what matters. I was a bit concerned about the huge number of heroes, as such a large cast can be overwhelming. Now I can say with certainty that my fears dissipated like clouds after the end credits. Of course, some characters received more screen time (Thor somewhat overshadowed the other heroes), but that was expected. Moving on to the execution. For the first time in a while, Marvel has produced a mature film that focuses on serious situations, spiced up with a good dose of humor. Most other films in this universe were exactly the opposite. Thanos is one of the most convincing villainous characters; his ruthless behavior in pursuit of his goal was truly terrifying. Brolin’s deep voice made a significant impact, and the casting was excellent (a powerful voice can work wonders). The film could easily have been named after him, as he primarily drives the story with his on-screen presence. I appreciated how the creators took care to delve into his inner feelings and motivations for depopulating half the universe, crafting his intriguingly non-standard personality in meticulous detail. This is how a great antagonist is made, and DC could take notes (except for Joker, of course; that’s a different level). The other Avengers members also shone, and the presence of the Guardians of the Galaxy was a highlight, bringing the most humor to the film. Thor, of course, stole the show at times; you just can’t help but love him as a character (that entrance to Wakanda was simply amazing). There’s always something happening, and the viewer is kept on edge throughout. The final battle was appropriately epic (both in Wakanda and on Titan). The ending left every viewer stunned, myself included. Kudos for daring to go for such a crushing finale (for delivering such an emotional bomb, they deserve praise). Now we all have to wait another year to see the continuation. The most accomplished, and notably the most balanced, Marvel film ever, accompanied by a previously unseen more pessimistic, yet superb soundtrack. I give it 87%.


Tomb Raider (2018) 

inglés I'm giving it four stars, but I am still slightly disappointed. I was extremely excited for Tomb Raider, thinking it was finally time for a video game adaptation to succeed and become a blockbuster film. No, it didn’t work out this time either. Many people didn’t believe in Alicia Vikander, but I found that she significantly saved the film. Her Lara seems like a fragile woman who could be taken down by a slight breeze, but the reality is quite the opposite. I don’t see any problem there. With the other actors, things weren't quite as rosy. Walton Goggins can deliver an exceptional performance when given a great script (like in The Hateful Eight), but here he had nothing to work with. His villain is uninteresting, and the potential was wasted, and overall, it’s just bad. Dominic West can shake hands with Goggins because he faces the same issue. The action is mostly convincingly filmed; I couldn’t imagine a better way to handle the plane scene, for example. However, the story is rather weak, and perhaps they should have gone for a mystical approach since the game is more mysterious. Here, the Himiko character at the end was more laughable than frightening. It’s disappointing, but since it has quality aspects and convincing action, I’m still giving it four stars, though just barely. 70%.


El pasajero (2018) 

inglés This is already the fourth collaboration between Liam Neeson and Jaume Collet-Serra (which had previously worked flawlessly), but it didn’t turn out as I had hoped. I didn’t let the mixed reviews sway me, but the result was not particularly impressive. The idea with the train is fine; the first half can be considered successful, with the viewer unsure of what might happen, and Neeson still manages to convey his worried expression of a man whose wife and son have been abducted. But then, what I feared happened. It turned into a bit of a farce, with logic going out the window, and the plot kept twisting in various directions. I wouldn’t have minded that if it had been presented more reasonably and slowly, allowing the viewer to keep up. Even the fights didn’t manage to save it in the end, which I don’t understand at all. They felt very staged, lacking realism. And the final scene with the train derailment? The digital effects didn’t come across as well as they probably intended. The minor plot twist at the end could have been predicted an hour earlier. I don’t mind happy endings, but here it was over the top. Next time, I’d prefer a proper thriller that plays with suspense rather than a digital train and a convoluted story. I give it 56%.


El instante más oscuro (2017) 

inglés A more intimate portrayal of the life of this well-known historical figure, focusing primarily on Churchill's most challenging political period, when every wrong decision could lead to disaster. It’s almost like a theatrical performance, with everything running as smoothly as a Swiss watch, and there are perfect dialogue situations where Oldman truly shines. He must have gone through intense preparation; it was certainly no easy task, but it’s evident he gave everything to his role. His precise movements, facial expressions, and clever verbal nuances made Churchill reign supreme, and Oldman managed to mimic him flawlessly. At times, one almost believed that Churchill himself was present. I completely understand why the Academy Award went to Oldman; it’s one of the top performances in recent times. The casting of supporting roles was also well-considered, with Stephen Dillane being unparalleled and Ben Mendelsohn as the British king also convincing. Don’t expect action scenes here; it’s simply a biographical journey through the life of this remarkable man, who managed to win over citizens with his actions and conduct. The film also offers emotionally charged scenes accompanied by a subtler yet very fitting soundtrack. I give it 84%.


La jungla (2017) 

inglés Greg McLean has mostly delivered B-grade or C-grade fare to viewers (though The Belko Experiment was worth watching, no doubt about that), but here he tackled a subject that would have suited an A-list treatment. In the end, it remains a decent B-grade effort. Enough of the letter rating talk. The film is based on true events, and I immediately had to look up the guy and read about him. Such a will to survive is rarely seen. The film is well-made, with a superbly naturalistic performance by Radcliffe, who fully immersed himself in the role and gave it a piece of his heart. This is evident in the final result. I liked the enigmatic Thomas Kretschmann, and I was constantly unsure of his intentions. The film also includes some disgusting scenes that will turn your stomach inside out—eating an embryo is bad enough, but they added a scene with a parasite as well. But such things are common if you get lost in the Amazon jungle. There are also some tense moments, like the one on the raging river. The ending is an emotional punch to the gut, even though no one knows what happened to the two who separated. It’s a two-sided coin—two were saved, and the other two disappeared without a trace. A sad story. Otherwise, the film is well-made, and I give it 74%.


Black Panther (2018) 

inglés You know what? I personally enjoyed the film. Yes, it had its flaws—the CGI occasionally made my eyes hurt because you could almost see the green screen behind the heroes. But on the other hand, the film offered an unusually well-developed story, complemented by some original new characters. Killmonger, as a villain, was perfectly cold yet charismatic, with no mistakes in that regard. Serkis, with his character Klaue, was also convincing, and his interrogation scene with Martin Freeman was incredibly funny. Boseman portrayed the main (and actually the most important) character well. Compared to Civil War, where he played a supporting role, I was a bit concerned here. I was on the fence, unsure if he could carry the entire two-hour film. But he did. The battles were filmed luxuriously, and I enjoyed the individual fights; the choreographers went all out. I would have liked to see more of Wakanda's world and its functioning, and a bit more explanation about the country’s history. It’s one of the better Marvel films, actually more successful in my opinion than Civil War. So, Ryan Coogler deserves a round of applause, and I can happily give the film 79%.


Operación: Huracán (2018) 

inglés A return to the '90s that won’t offend but will quickly fade from memory (though this doesn’t mean the film was significantly flawed). I might have toned down the glaring digital effects, which sometimes seemed cheap and didn’t do the film’s high budget much justice. On the other hand, I understand that even with a pretty hefty budget, it’s not possible to keep the effects at a top-notch level throughout; it would need to be at least tripled. Rob Cohen has proven capable of making a few decent films, and I don’t see any real issues here. The actors were also fine; the main villain was quite decent, and Maggie Grace as the female protagonist was also acceptable. I enjoyed the two brothers the most, who took on the bad guys like some sort of army. The story itself wasn’t anything special; I expected the bank heist to be in a slightly more elaborate and sophisticated form. It’s definitely not a film to be condemned, but even the over-the-top ending, which could be described in one word as digital chaos, keeps it in average territory. But as a quick watch, it’s entertaining. I give it 61%.


Enemy (2013) 

inglés For those who prefer simpler films that don’t require much mental effort, Enemy might not be the best choice. It’s a truly original film, but at first glance, it leaves a somewhat fragmented impression on the viewer. Personally, the film grew on me over time, but I still don’t have a full grasp of everything that happened. I also turned to a 25-minute video on YouTube, which helped piece together most of the fragments and solidify my opinion about the film. I see it as a surreal attempt with allegorical elements. It’s definitely not just pure drama. Jake Gyllenhaal handled the dual role (was it actually a dual role?) extremely convincingly; both contrasting characters had their own appeal. The idea with the spiders is quite unconventional, and at times I questioned whether it was meant to be a dream or something else. Denis Villeneuve surprised with an interesting, unorthodox theme, from which he probably squeezed the maximum. It’s unlikely to become a hit, especially with the transformation of a woman into a monstrous spider at the end (where everyone might realize that they didn’t quite understand the film). I give it 74%.


Star Wars Episodio VIII: Los últimos Jedi (2017) 

inglés Definitely an improvement over The Force Awakens. With Rian Johnson coming on board, I had some concerns about whether he was the best choice for the director’s chair, but various interviews and behind-the-scenes footage reassured me that he knew what saga he was stepping into. I appreciated the slightly more serious tone; The Force Awakens annoyed me a bit with its lightness, so I welcomed the change. I think Luke Skywalker’s return drew most people to the movie theaters, and I was excited to see him reunite with the other characters. Story-wise, it was quite decent, though I’d have preferred fewer twists. The deaths of several characters threw me off, especially those where killing them seemed like a clear mistake (wasted potential, that’s all). The effects were top-notch, as expected for a Star Wars film, and the final battle was excellent. I’d like to praise a few ideas (like the hyperspace jump through enemy ships, which was simply a treat). It will be interesting to see how the Rey - Kylo Ren duel progresses; this intriguing relationship keeps the film buoyant and gives the saga a chance to continue successfully. Let’s see what the next installment brings. I give it 82%.


El principito (2015) 

inglés I have to give it five stars. It’s not perfect, and it sticks to the basics of the source material, but it flawlessly captures the spirit of the book on screen without a single misstep. "The Little Prince" can be considered one of the best books in terms of fairy tale content and, especially, its core message. The contrast between childhood and adulthood is a cornerstone of Exupéry’s novel, so I was a bit unsure how the final product would turn out. It succeeded. The idea of having two layers of the story—one with enchanting, simple animation for the fairy tale aspect, and the other with modern animation set in today’s hectic world—worked well for me. The incorporation of the old pilot full of ideals into the present world was also successful. Naturally, the scenes from this allegorical fairy tale were the most compelling, with a few bookish messages prompting reflection (the scenes between the Prince and the fox and the Prince and the pilot were the best). Although I didn’t expect it much, the film occasionally ventured into more serious territory, evoking emotions. The ending was truly excellent, and I can’t imagine a better conclusion. The film will win over anyone, especially those who occasionally find a childlike laugh of The Little Prince still echoing in their soul. I give it 88%.