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Reseñas (2,900)


Trainspotting (1996) 

inglés Interesting film. I don't really like movies about drugs and junkies, they disgust me perhaps more than all kinds of atrocities committed against people, but here it was not presented in such a harsh way as Requiem for Dream. There was some good black humour, Ewan McGregor gave a decent performance, I enjoyed myself. 75%


El tren de las 3:10 (2007) 

inglés Solid actors, decent production design and decent action, especially the finale had enough energy to pull my rating up to 70%. The rest of the film could have been more action packed and I didn’t like the story very much either. Fine for a western, though.


Entourage (El séquito) (2015) 

inglés Very good. The film is entertaining rather than overly funny (not many memorable scenes here, unfortunately), the humor is also tamer, but that doesn't matter at all, because as a whole it works great. What I really liked was the little peek into the film industry, how it all works and, most importantly, that it all feels so real and not like a movie. You really get the feeling for the whole 104 minutes that you are in Hollywood and you could meet anyone you know on the street, like Liam Neeson at a traffic light. The large turnout of familiar faces, the many exposed babes, the sex scenes and the nice pacing are also pleasing. Very good fun. 80%.


Reversal (2015) 

inglés I was looking forward to Reversal since the first trailer and it's a shame that the only promising exploitation flick this year didn't push the envelope. On the plus side, it has a short running time, a fast pace, decent technical aspects and an original twist for the genre. What's a downer though is the lack of gore, there are a few gory gunshots, but I see this film and then some in every Korean action. It could have been spiced up with some rape, the possibilities and the means were there but the director didn't have the balls. I had fun, it's decent and definitely one of the better films this year, but I shake my head at the wasted potential. 65%.


Juegos demoníacos (2015) 

inglés Ghoul is a good horror film by Czech standards, in fact the best horror film from our country (the list of Czech horror films is not very big). It is very close to The Blair Witch Project in its concept and form, but Ghoul is not as amateurish, bland and uninteresting. But I cannot share the enthusiasm too much, I am not a big fan of this style of horror. Ghoul in particular tries to look interesting story-wise, but I'm not convinced it was a good move, it's not a very entertaining or informative film. The jump-scre didn't impress me at all, which I also consider a minus. The plus points for me were the setting of the run-down building and the impressive atmospheric finale, for which I give it an extra 10%, so definitely a must for fans just because the film comes from here. I wouldn't watch it again though. 60%


Charlie's Farm (2014) 

inglés Chris Sun undoubtedly has a talent for gore, what he did in Daddy's Little Girl was unprecedented and took the top spot in torture movies in the history of horror. This time he focused on the slasher genre and once again he didn't do badly at all. The downside is that the film goes on insanely long, the first hour hurts at times, it could have at least been spiced up with boobs or more fun, but once Charlie enters the scene a solid rodeo begins. Charlie is probably going to be a new iconic horror character, you can't help but respect him, he's a real macho guy and the characters don't stand a chance against him. The deaths are properly gnarly and dirty (the scene where Charlie rips off a chunk of a woman's jaw will not only go down in history, but also has a nod for gore scene of the year). I also liked the proper atmosphere of the Australian outback, which will give you flashbacks to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Chris only 3* this time, you did better in your previous effort. Let's see how your new venture Boar turns out. 65%


Poltergeist (2015) 

inglés An unsuccessful remake of an already flawed classic (as they say, like father like son, so it applies here infinitely). It's a great pity that a film with such an enticing and attractive trailer turned out so blandly. I was looking forward to the remake, since I didn't like the original even as a young boy. I guess at the age of 12, where I had only 30 horror movies to my name, Poltergeist was one of the worst, but the remake didn't fare much better. All those who complained the Insidious 3 had too many jump-scares, well I'm complaining here because Poltergeist only has one and there is no atmosphere to speak of. It's weirdly colourful and digital and there's not much fun to speak of either. The clown and the drill scenes were nice, the rest was worth shit. 40%


Eliminado (2014) 

inglés Uninitiated viewers might be satisfied, but well-read horror fans have long known that Unfriended is a recycled product and brings nothing new to the table; Megan is Missing and The Den, for example, were far more disturbing and objectively better. Unfriended's biggest issue is that it doesn't stand up as a horror film. It lacks scares, it lacks blood, it lacks chills and goosebumps. The deaths of the friends are edited very quickly and we don’t see shit (I had the same problem with Sinister). As for the game itself, the film could have been more disturbing and better developed in that aspect as well, these are huge downsides. On the plus side, there's a lot of realism, since we deal with cybercrime on a daily basis as opposed to serial killers or unexplained apparitions. I also liked that the film aptly depicts today's society of young people who have no respect for each other, no one carries any guilt, no one has a guilty conscience, and what they do to their friend is truly reprehensible. Not bad, not bad at all, just a pity for the horror aspect. 60%


Tombstone (La leyenda de Wyatt Earp) (1993) 

inglés Although I am not very fond of the western genre, this American classic made me very happy. Great actors (Kurt Russel in particular gives a unique performance, a proper hero), a good pace, decent shootouts enriched with blood and decent bad guys. This was a good fit for me. 80%.