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Parade's End (2012) (serie)


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The Reader (El lector) (2008)


War Horse (Caballo de batalla) (2011)


27 vestidos (2008)


La cruda Realidad (2009)


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The Great Game

1.03 "The Great Game" 

Sherlock: "Just tell me what happened from the beginning." 
Barry: "We've been to a bar, a nice place, and I was chattin' with one of the waitresses and Karen weren't happy with that, so we got back to the hotel and ended up having a bit of a ding dong, didn't we? She was gettin' at me, saying I weren’t a real man-- " 
Sherlock: "Wasn’t." 
Barry: "What?" 
Sherlock: "It’s not weren’t, it’s wasn’t." 
Barry: "Oh..." 
Sherlock: "Go on." 
Barry: "Well, then I don’t know how it happened but suddenly there's a knife in my hands. And you know, my old man was a butcher so I know how to handle knives. He learned us how to cut up a piece-- " 
Sherlock: "Taught." 
Barry: "What?" 
Sherlock: "Taught you how to cut up a piece." 
Barry: "Yeah, well, then I done it." 
Sherlock: "Did it." 
Barry: "I stabbed her over and over and over and I looked at her and she weren’t-- ... wasn't movin' no more. Any more." 

Barry: "Hey, you gotta help me, Mr. Holmes! Everyone says you're the best. Without you... I'll get hung for this." 
Sherlock: "No, no, Mr. Bewick, not at all. Hanged, yes." 

John: "There's a head in the fridge. A bloody head!" 
Sherlock: "Where else was I supposed to put it?" 

John: "A severed head!" 
Sherlock: "Just tea for me, thanks." 

John: "What the hell are you doing?!" 
Sherlock: "Bored." 
John: "...what?" 
Sherlock: "Bored!" 
He shoots the wall. 
Sherlock: "Bored!" 
And again. 
Sherlock: "Bored! I don't know what's gotten into the criminal classes, good job I'm not one of them." 
John: "So you take it out on the wall?" 
Sherlock: "Oh, the wall had it coming." 

"Oh hell, what does it matter?! So we go round the sun - if we went round the moon or... round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn't make any difference." 
-- Sherlock 

Sherlock: "Look at that, Mrs. Hudson. Quiet, calm, peaceful... isn't it hateful?" 
Mrs. Hudson: "Oh, I'm sure something will turn up, Sherlock. A nice murder, that'll cheer you up." 

Sherlock: "You read his blog?" 
Lestrade: "'Course I read his blog, we all do! Do you really not know that the earth goes around the sun?" 

Lestrade: "But what's this got to do with that painting? I don't see-- " 
Sherlock: "You do see, you just don't observe!" 
John: "Alright! Alright, girls, calm down." 

John: "Fantastic." 
Sherlock: "Meretricious." 
Lestrade: "And happy new year." 

"Oh, so you meant spectacularly ignorant in a nice way." 
-- Sherlock 

John: "So why is he doing this then? Playing this game with you? Do you think he wants to be caught?" 
Sherlock: "I think he wants to be distracted." 
John: "Well, I hope you'll be very happy together." 
Sherlock: "...sorry, what?" 
John: "There are lives at stake, Sherlock! Actual human lives! Just so I know, do you care about that at all?" 
Sherlock: "Would caring about them help to save them?" 
John: "No." 
Sherlock: "Then I'll continue not to make that mistake." 
John: "And you find that easy, do you?" 
Sherlock: "Yes, very. Is that news to you?" 
John: "No... no." 
Sherlock: "... I've disappointed you." 
John: "It's good. It's a good deduction, yes." 
Sherlock: "Don't make people into heroes, John: heroes don't exist, and if they did I wouldn't be one of them." 

"Let him go or I will kill you." 
-- John (to the Golem) 

"Why does anyone do anything? Because I'm bored. We were made for each other, Sherlock." 
-- Jim Moriarty (through victim #2) 

Jim Moriarty: "I will burn the heart out of you." 
Sherlock: "I have been reliably informed that I don't have one." 
Jim Moriarty: "Oh, but we both know that's not quite true." 

Sherlock: "People have died." 
Jim Moriarty: "That's what people do!" 

John: "You, ripping off my clothes in a darkened swimming pool. People might talk." 
Sherlock: "People do little else."

The Great Game