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Endro~! (2019) (serie) 

inglés Endro! is a cute, funny, and nice relaxing series, which is going to be especially appreciated by all fans of animated girls and cute things, so for me, it is ideal. I found it entertaining and I was pleasantly touched by the ending. I, therefore, ended up with that goofy smile I have when watching this kind of anime series. I liked most of the episodes, I liked the characters and I literally fell in love with Mao. In conclusion, I found this group of characters really enjoyable, though there were moments where I thought it was terrible rubbish, and I would rather completely forget episodes like the ninth one, mainly because of how little the concept of magic cards caught my attention. 7.5/10.


Dókjonin wa hiza, tokidoki, atama no ue. (2019) (serie) 

inglés This show is sort of like Barakamon with a cat, which has additionally borrowed the main gimmick from the Look Who's Talking movie franchise (the feature-length movies from the 1990s starring John Travolta). Simply put, it is an incredibly adorable, likable anime series about how a book author who has a lot of problems comes out of his shell through an encounter with a furry animal and realizes that staying on your own all the time is not right for a social being, which both humans and cats are. Or perhaps it was about a suspicious stray cat who, through an encounter with a strange man learns how to trust again... This is an enjoyable and entertaining show, helped a lot by the alternation of perspective between the two main protagonists. As far as the emotional aspect is concerned, I thought they handled everything perfectly. In the beginning I had the feeling that everything was pleasantly warm and funny, and most importantly that they did not try to force things to any extreme emotionally, or milk it for all it was worth, which I welcomed and enjoyed immensely. The real drama came at the very end, however, considering the fact that I ended up with a huge smile on my face, it obviously worked for me - in other words, I have nothing to complain about. I like cats (even though I am allergic to them), and it was the anime series I was looking forward to the most out of the whole of the winter releases (and the one that gets full marks from me). 9.3/10.


The Ten Deadliest Snakes in the World (1998) (telepelícula) 

inglés "Let us go to find the second most venomous snake in the world; my wife said she saw it in our garage!" Someone else may be referred to as the "snake master", however, what the "crocodile hunter" is doing with snakes is flawless. Perhaps every one of the top ten most venomous snakes will be caught, grabbed by the tail, and dramatically lifted into the air, although Steve knows exactly what he is doing, as he can lift two snakes into the air and perform with them at once. In the documentary, Steve says that he does not like people who are afraid of snakes, and he demonstrates that by showing just how much he is not afraid of them in the slightest. Of course, you can enjoy the documentary even though it is so dramatic your eyes pop out of your head, and of course, you will feel like your knowledge in the field of science increased because of the fact this documentary is so informative in such an interesting way. I enjoyed it - 9/10.


Penguin Highway (El misterio de los pingüinos) (2018) 

inglés This fantasy narrative is definitely charming in its own way and has some interesting ideas that would probably seem like bullshit from a purely scientific standpoint. However, with eyes half shut and Aoyama's knowledge, one can eventually come to terms with everything. After all, the kid is incredibly smart for his age and can solve any mystery, including why the dentist's breasts are so different from his mother's - actually, no, I had to figure that one out myself... On the other hand, I was also very arrogant as a child because of my intelligence. I was also supposed to be getting bigger and better every day because I was always discovering new things about the world, hence I can identify with the main male protagonist, which helps. Admittedly the other characters (mainly the other kids) were not that interesting, they were mostly quite formulaic and their romantic motivations for each other were also very clichéd. However, as I wrote, it was still an enjoyable movie because it was charming and that is quite important to me, to the point where 7/10 is well deserved in my book.


Radiant - Season 1 (2018) (temporada) 

inglés At the beginning of this season, this show seemed like it was going to be a completely generic shonen anime series, featuring a young, hysterical, and overly determined boy who is fighting against monsters that come from who-knows-where, and he simply has to destroy them all at any cost. He is secretly OP, has to discover and master his powers, he makes some new friends, and - well, you get just what you kind of expect from a shonen... I was not that much into the first few episodes, it was quite predictable and even boring at times. However, at a certain point, when I thought I was just cruising on autopilot and it was treading water, I actually started to find it entertaining. I liked the atypical setting of the cities in the clouds, and the magical battles plus the magic itself. The mystery of Nemesis, which probably is not going to be as easy to solve as you think at the beginning, and most of the main and supporting characters are good too. Sure, Seth is perhaps not the best main male protagonist ever, but despite that, he goes from tolerable to quite likable after some time. Melie is also a fine character, and I am wondering which of her two diametrically opposed personalities I like better. However, I thought that the best character was definitely Captain Dart Dragunov, a member of the Inquisition - a charismatic bad guy with a pretty good moral compass. So, what about the narrative? It went from a generic beginning to the pretty great Rumble Town arc, and the first season raised a lot of interesting questions and potential twists that I could probably look forward to seeing explored in the future. So even though Radiant ends up being only slightly better than the usual show after the first season in my opinion (and that is taking into account the enjoyable opening, which I probably shouldn't), I am actually quite excited for season two in the fall. 6/10.


Mirai, mi pequeña hermana (2018) 

inglés This movie has some nice and heartfelt moments, especially those that take place, shall we say, "outside the real world". However, it also has some moments when the main male protagonist, with his spoiled shrillness, literally made my blood boil. I thought to myself that watching such a child is probably the best form of contraception. The best character is clearly the great-grandfather who was in the war, although the stay-at-home dad also gained a lot of sympathy from me. Still, I did not have as strong an experience as I would have expected for a production by Mamoru Hosoda. Also, the visuals were not nearly as breathtaking (except perhaps for the black train near the end) as I would have liked. 6,8/10


My Hero Academia. Dos héroes (2018) 

inglés If I were to gush with enthusiasm and award five stars, it would probably only be for the very end of this movie, the last battle. It is beautifully dramatic, colorful, and quite emotional. Simply put, it has everything I would have expected from a hero movie. However, I did not find the rest of the movie super cool, plus ultra or anything that would make it stand out as exceptional. After all, the message of what it means to be a hero and pass the torch to a new generation permeates throughout the original anime series, so it is not anything that new or unexpected in this movie. In other words, once again I am getting only what I have become used to, once again, quite successfully, I have been persuaded to buy into these ideas, even though the same ideas are often repeated (within the My Hero Academia universe), and so I am not so keen on it this time around. However, as an addition to the anime series and a reiteration of all that, I was eventually willing to accept it. Of course, I did not find it that entertaining at the beginning. Sure, the setting of I-Island was quite interesting, however, I found all those "random" encounters like "Hey, it is Bakugo here, wow, are you here too?" rather maddening. Fortunately, the movie gradually improved after that. The tower ambush felt like I was watching the first Die Hard movie for a while, even though it was not half as action-packed as I would have liked. Sure, the young protagonists have no permissions yet, so they tend to avoid confrontations, although, in all honesty, I thought there could have been more fight scenes - after all, they are what I expect from a shonen - even though the conclusion saves the day... What about the surprising twists? I did not find the first one (who was behind the robbery) that surprising, I was expecting something like that. However, the second twist (who was really behind it all) got me, I actually liked it and it was a nice wink to the fans of the show, and a good reason why the movie was released after certain events in the third season had been aired. So, in the end, I personally thought that the movie had a weak beginning and worked up to a great finish. It is a must for true aficionados of the anime series, and action anime in general, and it is all wrapped up in a nice and appealing package with a soundtrack that was very well put together - 8/10.


Jagate kimi ni naru (2018) (serie) 

inglés As written in Starletka’s review, this show is basically an almost pure Girls Love (yuri) anime series, and it is exactly the way that type of show is supposed to be. So there is a normal, gradually developing romantic relationship with an emphasis on the feelings of both of the characters, with the only exception that this is about a love between two girls. In addition, the romantic side of the relationship is handled very well, the characters have some depth and everything develops very naturally. I like how they are exploring the psychology of both of the girls, how they gradually change (especially Yuu), and also the problems that both girls have and gradually overcome. I also agree with the fact that the setting of the student council and the storyline regarding the preparation for the student council play became boring after some time (and I also question how much effort the producers devoted to it). However, even though I was fine with Nanami, I actually would not consider Sayaka to be the best character in this show (and this is because I consider Yuu to be the best character, and of the supporting characters, Seiji impressed me the most). In general, I would therefore rate this show a decent 7.5/10.


Irozuku sekai no ašita kara (2018) (serie) 

inglés This is an anime series that felt more like a longer movie, which had been chopped up into smaller chunks. This is because of the narrative style and its flow as it progresses. Frankly speaking, I also think that as a movie, this entire narrative and its complex emotional aspect would probably have come across much better if I had just seen it all in one go. The experience would have been stronger and it would not have suffered from the weekly breaks between each episode. Perhaps one day, I can watch it again all in one go to confirm this theory. However, the takeaway I got is that this is a rather pleasant, heartwarming account of a girl gradually coming out of her shell, rendered in gorgeous colors. However, for something that has “The World in Colors" in its title, the emphasis on beautiful graphic design is not actually surprising in the least. The narrative is tinged with magic, which pretty much worked for me and was a nice addition to this light romance. In addition, there is the romantic aspect - it is enjoyable, easy-going, and endearing without any crazy drama, which although it may not get my blood pumping and my heart racing this time around, nevertheless it makes for a good watch. Oh, and there is also a pretty acceptable ending, although a certain part of me (let us call it the "secret romantic soul") was hoping for something a little different, a lot kitschier, however, I can easily live with what I got. Love may not conquer all, as my sentimental self would like, however, sometimes we just get to know someone who changes our lives and we can never forget them... 7.8/10.


Beelzebub-džó no oki ni mesu mama. (2018) (serie) 

inglés If ecchi fans have fan service, then what do moe fans have? This anime series provides us with a possible answer! Moe fans have fluff service! Everything here is fluffy, furry, and circular in pastel colors, and most importantly, so soft and cuddly. Even the toughest characters are adorable and cute and everything is full of naive "puppy-dog" romantic stuff, crammed full of blushes and shy retreats. What can I say...? For those who like to watch cute and adorable things, this is perhaps going to be heaven, whereas for fans of horror, gore and frantically paced action this is going to be pure hell! Jeoffrey (fortunately for the producers of this show) belongs to the former category of those who can snuggle up with some hot cocoa under some nice fluffy blankets, and smile contentedly at the sight of Bel-chan or Gocchin and have a lovely nice time despite the insane naivety, simplicity, and sometimes even stupidity. In conclusion, I found this to be a very good show and in the end, I am even going to forgive them for the crass product placement in the last episode (Kentucky Fried What?!?). Mofumofu - I was completely brainwashed - 7.5/10.