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  • Drama
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  • Romántico

Películas favoritas (10)

Millennium Actress

Millennium Actress (2001)

Thousands of nights passed, thousands of faces of the moon she could see, but she still lived only in that one night under that one moon. I don't understand why I still can't get over it. The first movie that makes my hands shake. I really don't understand how something like that could have been made. I really don't understand how anyone could put such a perfectly fitting soundtrack to it. I know I don't really get it much, but one thing – a movie like this is only born once for me. Will I ever get a more powerful cinematic experience? 14 Nov 2010 Seen again and I'm still hoping – maybe even more than after the first viewing – for "itsuka kitto". ^^

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation (2003)

A very nice film. Gentle. And the characters in it don't act like they always do, but become people, real people. I was drawn into their midst. I didn't want to be a bystander. I wanted to walk around Tokyo. A city I long to visit. For all that, I'm simply forced to give it full stars. I just want to, and that's it. Because this film is first and foremost “human". All I can do is recommend it for viewing.

BBS xiang min de zheng yi

BBS xiang min de zheng yi (2012)

A movie made for me: just the right amount of romance, friendship, meanness, sentiment, and action. Even though it looks like it's straight out of a video game from the last decade, I enjoyed it... a lot. I watched all the way to the end and was completely satisfied. It's clear to me that it's not for everyone, especially for those who know nothing about how the forum works and don't like cheesy animation. It's not the movie of the century, but it gave me everything I want from a movie.