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Reseñas más recientes (1,480)


La terraza mística (2020) (serie) 

inglés In terms of ghost fiction, I saw Hotel del Luna before this series and I have to say this work is much better. Hotel del Luna was a gig for one actress and her dress, but here the emphasis is on a larger cast of characters who fit together, interact awfully nicely, and even talk to each other! The main characters try to correct misunderstandings, don't fumble around unnecessarily, and just go about their business. It's a comedy where it's clear from the start that we're not supposed to take it too seriously, yet when it hits a serious note, it's not bad and you can "live" with it. They were fun to be with, likable, and everything fell into place, it's just that the ending was so... over the top for my taste. But still, as a whole, it's an enjoyable series that episodically deals with the problems of randomly chosen ones, so that we eventually won’t see most of them later because there will be no need to. Of course, some are more destined for it, and so we end up seeing more of them. Long live 12-episode Korean soap operas! When it's 16 episodes or more, it's usually worth a damn because you can't stand the characters by the end because they start acting like cookie cutter characters. That didn't happen here. A weaker 4 stars.


Kaguja-sama wa kokurasetai: Tensaitači no ren'ai zunósen (2019) 

inglés It's clear from the start that no one and nothing in this movie takes itself seriously. It's more of a comedy than anything else, and it does become cringeworthy at times, but otherwise it's fun with all the high school slapstick that can't be lacking from a story like this. The actors must have had a blast making it, it's very hilariously told. It’s not light on pulling faces, and of course it's altogether absurd, but this time it works because, as I said in the beginning, no one takes it seriously, let alone the filmmakers. Relaxed, wacky; I was surprised no one broke out in song... A better 3 stars.


Hotel Del Luna (2019) (serie) 

inglés IU is beautiful and she played it well. Well, and then there's the rest of it. This show was great as a background, you could do something else while watching it and you didn't miss anything at all, you always got caught up. It kicked off fine, I liked the episodes with the different ghosts, but then they actually sort of revealed what happened in the past, not to mention that the attraction between the main characters was obvious pretty early on, so when they suddenly chopped a serial killer in there it took up a lot of time, only to be hurried at the end, with everyone quickly drifting off to the other world with a see ya later. An unbalanced, beautiful-looking series. But barren. The kind of viewing for an easygoing Sunday afternoon when you want to do absolutely nothing. 60%.

Evaluaciones más recientes (4,793)

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Sósó no Frieren (2023) (serie)


Destiny (2024) (serie)


Mashle - Kami Shinkakusha Kouho Senbatsu Shiken-hen (2024) (temporada) (S02)


Tragones y mazmorras (2024) (serie)


Geek Girl (2024) (serie)


Indiana Jones y el dial del destino (2023)


Taišó otome otogibanaši (2021) (serie)



Publicación en el diario más reciente (13)

Zkouška sirén

Milý deníčku,

dneska jsem jela přes celou Prahu. Nevěřil bys, ale bylo to ze zastávky Volha na Veleslavín!! To je dálka, co? Cestou jsem si četla. Hustý, co? Ale to je jedno, protože cestou zpět, tedy ne zpět, ale na Florenc, kde jsem nasedla na bus, a jela si pro potvrzení k lékaři, kde mne donutili ještě navíc k otevření úst a svléknutí do do půli těla jen proto, že jsem zakašlínkovala, a následně pak zaplatila poplatek 210,- .... moment, teď jsem se v tom ztratila. Tak od znovu.

Ráno jsem vstala hrozně brzo, abych se z Volhy stihla dostavitr na Veleslavín v 8:30 (kde jsem naštěstí byla o deset (!) minut dřív) a pak jsem nejprve zamířila na Florenc, odkud jsem pokračovala pro potvrzení na přihlášku na VŠ, a jelikož jsem tam trochu zakašlala, hned mě doktorka vyšetřila, místo aby mi dala jenom razítko na papír. Ty prášky, co mi předepsala byly zadarmo, zbytek ne. No, pak jsem jela zase zpět na Volhu, ale předtím jsem se zastavila v Chodově, abych si nakoupila a... kde to jsem?

Dobře, řeknu to krátce, konečně jsem vymyslela komentář, který jsem chtěla delší dobu napsat, a bylo to cestou metrem.


Zkouška sirén