Il était une fois les Mille et Une Nuits

  • inglés The Story of the 1001 Nights
Francia, 2012, 90 min (Alternativa 52 min)


Bruno Ulmer


A dreamlike journey to (re)discover the Tales of the Arabian Nights: an enchanting immersion into a bountiful book - from India to Egypt, from the Maghreb to Paris. This film is an invitation to travel and plunges us into the universal imaginary world of the Tales. The journey recounts their wonder of the Tales, returns to their origins, deciphers their hidden meanings, and examines what effect they have on the human psyche. On this adventure from India to Paris via Egypt, the Persian Gulf and the Maghreb, we encounter strange creatures and enchanted places along the way. But what are the origins of the fantastical figures that haunt the Arabian Nights, and whose adventures set the tempo of the tales’ suspense? A suspense that is maintained throughout the tales, and enabled the beautiful storyteller Scheherazade to escape the death sentence the sultan ordered every sunrise. A suspense that has kept generations of readers – both Eastern and Western - spellbound. (Arte)


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