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Cómo conocí a vuestra madre - Juntos para siempre, 2ª parte (2014) (episodio) 

inglés Honestly, I was expecting to feel relieved as the series concluded, thinking I could finally put it behind me. The journey was far from easy, but to my surprise, the creators managed to conclude it with dignity in the finale. I was entertained and my expectations from the nineteenth episode were confirmed. It turned out to be a fitting farewell to the series. / Lesson learned: Wait for it.


Cómo conocí a vuestra madre - Juntos para siempre, 1ª parte (2014) (episodio) 

inglés I just can't wrap my head around it. How can the same team be responsible for both the absolute worst and the top-notch episodes? Do the writers have a toggle switch in their heads or something? This episode wasn't heavy on humor, but surprisingly, I wasn't bothered by it because the storyline made complete sense throughout. The creators didn't rip themselves off; I could really tell they put in the effort. / Lesson learned: Why do weddings feel so pointless to me? Here's a prime example.


Cómo conocí a vuestra madre - El camino hacia el altar (2014) (episodio) ¡Boo!

inglés I get it, this series isn't just a comedy, there's a romantic element, too. But what's up with the recurring theme of runaway bride scenarios? It's just ridiculous. Most of the characters were punchworthy. Marshall and Lily cranked up the romance to a level that made me queasy, and the humor took a back seat again. / Lesson learned: Patience pays off – you might even see the ring bear.


Monster - Casandra (2022) (episodio) 

inglés I'm kind of torn on the seventh episode. First off, it's just downright bizarre to witness situations that could (and let's be real, still can) happen in a country that touts itself as the defender of world democracy. I totally get the frustrations of various American minorities in this context, and I'm sympathetic to their concerns. On the flip side, there's this other perspective where it's crystal clear that Netflix is bending over backward to ride the wave of current trends, often doing a disservice to the very folks it claims to be "helping." / Lesson learned: Complaining all the time won't earn you much trust from others.


Monster - Silenced (2022) (episodio) 

inglés This episode was quite different from the usual, mainly because Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't the central character. It was one of his victims. Shifting the focus to the victims is something I appreciate. I didn't really care whether the story was embellished; even if it were entirely made up, it still carried weight. I often feel like serial killers get portrayed as misunderstood souls with tough childhoods, blah, blah, blah. But the real concern should be for the victims. / Lesson learned: Beware of sudden strokes of good luck.


Monster - Sangre en manos de otros (2022) (episodio) 

inglés The fifth episode felt pretty much like the previous one in terms of length and content. However, this time around, I'm starting to question if the series was solely made because of Dahmer's notoriety. I couldn't shake the persistent feeling that Netflix made it to push its racially conscious agenda.  / Lesson learned: Grandmas are light sleepers.


Monster - La caja del buen chico (2022) (episodio) 

inglés I'm not sure if it was because of the longer runtime or if I just wasn't fully tuned in, but the plot felt like it dragged on. It wasn't exactly a thrill ride before, but this time, I caught myself getting bored more than once. The series still maintains that creepy atmosphere, but it's not bringing much else to the table. This episode was the most well-developed I've seen so far, but the pace was painfully slow. With Jeffrey Dahmer being so widely known, I wasn't expecting any groundbreaking revelations, but I did hope the creators would find a way to keep me more engaged. / Lesson learned: Party like you're in Egypt. Only drink what you've opened yourself.


Cómo conocí a vuestra madre - Gary Blauman (2014) (episodio) ¡Boo!

inglés The wonder what the creators were trying to convey with this episode. Over the course of those nine seasons, they've delved into so many details that I can practically picture the color of Ted's stool after each meal. Then out of nowhere, a character pops up, and everyone seems to have some history with them, but I'm left wondering, "Who the heck is this?" Gary Blauman seems to be the go-to for any struggling or burnt-out screenwriter desperately trying to hit their deadline. / Lesson learned: Writer's block hitting hard? Throw in some Blauman.


Cómo conocí a vuestra madre - Margarita (2014) (episodio) 

inglés After a string of pretty decent to downright good experiences, here comes another letdown. This episode didn't bring any fresh ideas or laughs. The creators just went heavy on recycling their older and more recent material — another fight, Ted playing detective again, the Captain making a return, and yet another pregnancy. Oh well... / Lesson learned: Don't want to stumble upon someone else's waste? Don't go digging for it in the dirt.


Monster - Hacer un Dahmer (2022) (episodio) 

inglés My hunch about the story's development has been spot-on, and I must say I'm digging the way the plot is unfolding. On the flip side, the creators seem to be piling on more reasons for the transformation of a once-promising guy into a serial killer. I mean, I grew up under a totalitarian regime, always preferred books over sports, and was kind of a loner. I even dealt with some intense stuff like killing, skinning, gutting, and butchering animals (my family raised them for meat, you know), but I'm not seeing any tendencies towards offing and sampling random folks myself. I genuinely hope the series doesn't devolve into some sort of defense for another scumbag. / Lesson learned: "Wanna dissect roadkill with me?" probably won't score you any points as a pick-up line.